Agenda item

2017-18 Third Quarterly Position Statement on Finance, Performance and Risk





(1)  Noted the Council’s provisional outturn position together with the performance and risk issues contained in this report and Appendices A – C.


(2)  Approved the Strategic Risk Register and Matrices set out in Appendices D – E to the report, subject to retaining the previous risk rating for STR 25 (Risk of Designation as a Poorly Performing Planning Authority), rather than decreasing the gross rating from 20 to 9 and net rating from 12 to 9 as proposed in paragraph 18 of the submitted report.



Cabinet was provided with a statement on the Council’s position with regard to its General Fund, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital budgets, corporate objectives, performance indicators and strategic risks. 


During consideration of the report:-


·         The Housing Portfolio Holder provided further explanation around performance indicator AH212 which was shown as red.  In particular, she noted that the performance indicator was a cumulative figure so the previous spike in bed and breakfast accommodation continued to have a knock on effect.  She further emphasised that every attempt was made to keep the placement of families in bed and breakfast accommodation to an absolute minimum.

·         With reference to performance indicator CC305, the Leader noted that the Executive Management Team was commissioning a project that would look at complaints as part of an investigation into customer experience.

·         Cabinet noted, in connection with indicator FS109, that the percentage of invoices paid in 30 days had increased.

·         The Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder commented that staff sickness performance was subject to detailed reports at his Portfolio Holder meetings.

·         The Environmental Services Portfolio Holder provided further explanation in relation to indicator ES406, particularly in relation to the position with unresolved major non-compliances.  He additionally thanked the Scrutiny and Overview Committee for their constructive discussion on the Shared Waste Service alternative bin collection day review.

·         The Planning Portfolio Holder was pleased to highlight that indicators PN510 and 511 were now green and congratulated the Planning staff. 

·         With reference to indicator PN512, the Planning Portfolio Holder noted that the Council was over the 10% designation criteria relating to major application appeals against refusals of planning permission being allowed. He explained that the majority of lost appeals had related to the five year land supply and when this was taken into account, the percentage of lost appeals was only 2%. The Council had written to MHCLG advising of the position with regard to the absence of a 5 year land supply and Local Plan.

·         The Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder updated Cabinet with the position on the Budget as set out in Paragraph 12 and was satisfied that the variances between the working budgets and the outturn forecast were within acceptable limits.

·         Cabinet’s attention was drawn to key risks as identified in paragraph 18 of the report.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Orgee, Chairman of the Scrutiny and Overview Committee, highlighted the following issues raised by the Committee at its meeting held on 6 February 2018:-


·         The accuracy of the wording in the statement regarding Cambourne in the first bullet point under “Living Well” on page 92 and repeated under A (iii) on page 99 had been challenged by a Ward Member.

·         With reference to indicator AH212, concern had been expressed at the reference to outstanding invoices which were awaited in respect of bed and breakfast accommodation in December.  The Committee had suggested that the total amount should have been included in the comments field.

·         Regarding indicator STR 25 - Risk of Designation as a Poorly Performing Planning Authority – the Committee had queried why both the gross and net risk rating for this risk had been reduced and had argued that it was premature to change the level of risk at this time.


The Planning Portfolio Holder acknowledged that the risk remained and that the response from the MHCLG was awaited.  The Business and Customer Service Portfolio Holder proposed that the Cabinet should take on board the advice of the Scrutiny and Overview Committee and leave the risk rating for indicator STR 25 unchanged.


Cabinet AGREED to


(1)  Note the Council’s provisional outturn position together with the performance and risk issues contained in this report and Appendices A – C.


(2)  Approve the Strategic Risk Register and Matrices set out in Appendices D – E to the report, subject to retaining the previous risk rating for indicator STR 25 (Risk of Designation as a Poorly Performing Planning Authority).


Supporting documents: