Decision details

Quarter 1 Performance report

Decision Maker: Scrutiny and Overview Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee considered a report on the Council’s Quarter 1 (Q1) position regarding its operational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and 2020-25 Business Plan actions.


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee began by reviewing the KPIs detailed in Appendix A to the report. In response to a question, Councillor Judith Rippeth (Deputy Leader) explained how KPI CC314 (Percentage of public hybrid meetings run without issues causing downtime exceeding five minutes) would be monitored. It was recalled that this new KPI had been requested by the Scrutiny and Overview Committee at its meeting on 3 March 2022 (Minute 7 refers).


In connection with FS112 and FS113 (Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support claims and change events), Councillor John Williams (Lead Cabinet Member for Finance) and the Benefits Manager clarified the impact made by the Government’s recent energy rebate to the occupiers of properties in Council Tax bands A to D.


In response to a further question, the Deputy Leader and the Head of Transformation, HR and Corporate Services explained how data such as that gathered in CC307 (Average call answer time in seconds) would be used to achieve improved outcomes in future.


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee said that Cabinet must address the reasons for the past under performance of Council services in order to achieve improved performance in future. Councillor Graham Cone referred to CC305 (Percentage of formal complaints resolved within timescale). The Committee welcomed the extra resource put in place to eliminate the planning complaints backlog as at the end of June 2022. The Head of Transformation, HR and Corporate Services undertook to investigate a claim made by Councillor Heather Williams that some complaints were being closed accidentally and assured her that this did not deprive complainants of their right to go to the Ombudsman.


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee recognised that South Cambridgeshire was a growth area, and that Extension of Time Agreements had an important part to play in providing an effective planning service. Committee members encouraged Cabinet to pay particular attention to strengthening performance under PN511 (Percentage of non-major planning applications determined within eight weeks or agreed timescale).


Following some further general discussion around issues arising from Appendix A to the report, the Scrutiny and Overview Committee moved on to consider Appendix B (Business Plan update).


With regard to C2(iv) (Six free trees initiative), and if not already carried out, the Scrutiny and Overview Committee said that Cabinet should consider an audit of previously offered trees to assess success of the scheme to date. Cabinet should insist on the use of irrigation rings in future to ensure effective management of newly planted trees.


Referring to B4 (Improve the energy efficiency of existing Council housing), the Cabinet might want to consider extending the issue of Energy Performance Certificates to the private sector. Committee members recognised though that this was not viable at the moment and might not be feasible at all.


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee noted progress under C1(i) in trialling the use of vegetable oil instead of diesel fuel.


With regard to A1(i) (implementation of a Customer Relationship Management system), the Chief Executive assured Members that they would be kept informed as the project progressed.


With regard to A2 (Skills and training) Cabinet should continue to work closely with the Greater Cambridge Partnership and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority to develop a formal engagement programme with local schools and employers but avoid any duplication of effort.


Referring to C3(i) (Complete retrofit of South Cambridgeshire Hall), the Committee welcomed the fact that energy generation data would clearly be visible to Members and staff in, and visitors to, the Council offices. Members were pleased to note that battery storage would be investigated at some point in the future.


Members discussed issues prompted by C12 (action to minimise fly tipping). In response to a query, the Chief Executive explained that publicising the location of Closed-Circuit Television cameras helped to deter fly tipping. On the related topic of fly posting, Councillor Brian Milnes (Lead Cabinet Member for the Environment) cautioned against the removal of notices spotted in South Cambridgeshire.


The Chief Executive referred Members to the Risk Register which was due to be reported soon to the Audit and Governance Committee.


With regard to D6 (working with communities), the Cabinet must seek as much integration as possible between Lifelines and the Integrated Care System.


D2 concerned the staff satisfaction survey, and the Chief Executive assured Members that this was on schedule. The results would help officers to address the issue of staff turnover reflected in KPI FS117, which was currently above target.


Having reviewed the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) results and narrative at Appendix A to the report from the Head of Transformation, Human Resources and Corporate Services and progress against Business Plan actions at Appendix B to that report, and subject to the comments above, the Scrutiny and Overview Committee endorses the report, noting


a.    the addition of new KPIs (PN519, AH230 and CC314) and the rationale for each of these, as detailed within the comments section of Appendix A; and


b.    the addition of the new ‘Outlook RAG’ column in the KPI report at Appendix A (as detailed at paragraph 8 of the aforementioned report).

Publication date: 26/07/2022

Date of decision: 26/07/2022

Decided at meeting: 26/07/2022 - Scrutiny and Overview Committee

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