Decision Maker: Lead Cabinet member for Resources
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
On 26 September 2024 the Grants Advisory Committee reviewed 7 Rural England Prosperity Fund applications received. The applications were brought forward in Appendix A of the meeting reports pack. Of these, 4 were Communities applications requesting funding amounts of Level 3 value. This notice provides details of the decision regarding the Business applications.
After consideration of these applications, the Committee agreed with the officer’s recommendation and recommended to the Lead Cabinet Member for Resources that the application from:
1. Cambourne Town Council (RMTNDTSZ) be approved and partially funded £90,000 of the £100,000 requested.
2. Cottenham Community Centre (TRMSRHLX) be approved and funded at the full amount requested of £38,000.
3. Impington Village College (HHBQXFGH) be approved and partially funded £53,000 of the requested £100,000, subject to a satisfactory review of information regarding parking concerns around the Impington Village College.
4. Wysing Arts Centre (KSCPRCPM) be approved and partially funded £80,000 of the £98,033 requested.
To accept the recommendations of the Grants Advisory Committee (see above).
Following review of the application from Impington Village College, the Lead Cabinet Member for Resources was satisfied that the parking and lighting concerns surrounding the facility were planning matters. As such, it was considered that these were not adequate reasons to prevent the funding of restoration works to a disused sports facility. The restoration of the facility will provide health and well-being benefits to students of the school and the wider community through the provision of active sport. The application was partially funded as recommended, with the funding to be spent on the resurfacing works.
The applications were considered in detail by the Grants Advisory Committee and the recommended levels of funding were within the remaining budget. The Chair was consulted regarding the final decision on the application from Impington Village College. The Lead Cabinet Member for Communities is also in agreement with the decision.
To reject or vary the recommendations of the Grants Advisory Committee and decide on the level of funding (£0 - £100,000) to be awarded for each or defer a decision if further information is required from grant applicants.
Publication date: 30/09/2024
Date of decision: 27/09/2024
Effective from: 08/10/2024
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