Decision details

Council Tax Charges for Long Term Empty Properties and Second Homes, Cabinet 5 November 2024

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Council (32 voting in favour, 0 voting against, 1 abstaining from voting) agreed:


a)    The introduction of additional Council Tax Premiums to be applied from 1 April 2026 for long term empty properties and second homes (Option 1) as detailed within the report.

b)    To delegate authority to the Head of Finance (Section 151 Officer) to implement the introduction of these premiums, considering future guidance and best practices issued by the government.


Councillors In Favour: Michael Atkins, Henry Batchelor, John Batchelor, Paul Bearpark, Dr Shrobona Bhattacharya, Anna Bradnam, Ariel Cahn, Dr Martin Cahn, Stephen Drew, Libby Earle, Sue Ellington, Corinne Garvie, Jose Hales, Bill Handley, Sunita Hansraj, Sally Ann Hart, Dr James Hobro, William Jackson-Wood, Helene Leeming, Brian Milnes, Lina Nieto, Annika Osborne, Dr Lisa Redrup, Judith Rippeth, James Rixon, Peter Sandford, Richard Stobart, Dr Susan van de Ven, Natalie Warren-Green, Bunty Waters, Dr Richard Williams, Heather Williams


Councillors Against: None


Councillors Abstaining: Daniel Lentell

Report author: Dawn Graham

Publication date: 28/11/2024

Date of decision: 28/11/2024

Decided at meeting: 28/11/2024 - Council

Accompanying Documents: