Decision details

Community Growing Small Grant

Decision Maker: Communities Manager

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The aim of this decision is to provide funding for a community group in Cottenham to revitalise an allotment plot, cultivating potatoes and onions to be shared with the community and the local food bank. They will also collaborate with the local Scout group, offering volunteering sessions and projects for the Scouts. The funding will cover the cost of seed potatoes, seeds, compost, heritage apple trees, fruit bushes, and essential tools such as fruit cages, compost bins, and water harvesting equipment. Wherever possible, all wood and materials will be recycled and sustainably sourced.


Application Ref. XXFKNWGP

Grant award £500.


To award £500 to fund the community group in Cottenham to grow their vegetables and herbs.

Reasons for the decision:

This award meets the criteria for the Community Growing Small Grant.

Alternative options considered:

To not award the grant.

Rejected as the criteria for the grant were met.

Publication date: 29/01/2025

Date of decision: 29/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: