Decision status: Recommmend Forward to Council
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Cabinet considered and reviewed the report and appendices as presented and recommended to Full Council the adoption of:
Housing Revenue Account (HRA): Revenue
a) The HRA revenue budget for 2025/2026 as shown in the HRA Budget Summary as presented at Appendix A.
HRA: Review of Rents and Charges
b) The proposed council dwelling rents for all social rented properties increase of 2.7%, recognising that inflation measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) at September 2024, plus 1% results in an increase of 2.7%.
c) The proposed affordable rents (inclusive of service charge) increase of 2.7% in line with the increase for social rents.
d) The rents for affordable shared ownership properties increase of 4.0%, recognising that inflation measured by the Retail Price Index (RPI) at December 2024 plus 0.5% results in an increase of 4.0%.
e) The garage rents increase of 2.7% in line with the increase for social rents.
f) Council dwelling rents for properties with an EPC rating of A or B increase to 105% of target rent on re-let.
g) The proposed service charges for HRA services and facilities provided to both tenants and leaseholders, as shown in Appendix D.
HRA: Capital
h) The required level of funding for new build investment between 2025/2026 and 2029/2030 to ensure that commitments can be met in respect of the investment of all right to buy receipts currently retained or anticipated to be received by the authority for this period. This expenditure will take the form of HRA new build, with the 60% top up met by other HRA resources.
i) The HRA Medium Term Financial Strategy forecasts as shown in Appendix B.
j) The Housing Capital Programme as shown in Appendix C.
Report author: Farzana Ahmed, Peter Maddock
Publication date: 04/02/2025
Date of decision: 04/02/2025
Decided at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: