Issue - meetings

2006/07 First Quarter Corporate Milestone Report

Meeting: 14/09/2006 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Performance Management - First Quarter 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 171 KB


Cabinet NOTED the progress on performance indicators and milestones in the first quarter of 2006/07 and SUPPORTED the steps being taken to strengthen performance management. 


The Resources, Staffing, Information & Customer Services Portfolio Holder presented the progress on corporate performance indicators and milestones for the first quarter of 2006/07, and updated members on those areas where the end of year targets were seen to be at risk.  The forthcoming integration of these quarterly reports with the quarterly financial management performance reports would allow Cabinet to identify areas where underspends could be vired towards achievement of priorities or key performance indicators.


Cabinet NOTED the progress on performance indicators and milestones in the first quarter of 2006/07 and SUPPORTED the steps being taken to strengthen performance management.