Issue - meetings

TEVERSHAM: Conservation Area Appraisal

Meeting: 14/06/2006 - Weekly Bulletin (Item 18.)


Meeting: 08/06/2006 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Teversham Conservation Area Appraisal pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


Cabinet AGREED to adopt the Design Guidance set out in the Teversham Conservation Area Appraisal as Council Policy, subject to incorporation of the changes outlined in the appendix.


The Conservation, Sustainability and Community Planning Portfolio Holder explained that two objections to the boundary changes had been received and the boundaries revised accordingly.  He commended the Design Guidance to Cabinet.


Cabinet AGREED to adopt the Design Guidance set out in the Teversham Conservation Area Appraisal as Council Policy, subject to incorporation of the changes outlined in the appendix.

Meeting: 03/05/2006 - Weekly Bulletin (Item 9.)




To utilise the Portfolio Holder’s delegated authority (as agreed by Cabinet on 10 November 2005) to approve the revised boundaries of the Conservation Area at Teversham, together with the approval of the draft Design Guidance, and to take a report to Cabinet seeking the adoption of the Design Guidance as Council Policy (subject to incorporating the changes outlined in the report presented to Conservation Advisory Group on 26 April 2006).

1.                  The modern housing on Lady Jermy Way is of no historic or architectural interest and therefore does not meet the criteria of inclusion, and the boundaries of the Conservation Area can be revised to remove this housing and still retain a logical outline.


2.                  The proposed additions are of sufficient architectural and / or historic interest to warrant inclusion.


3.                  Adoption of the Design Guidance as Council Policy will give it status for consideration in planning applications for developments affecting the Conservation Area.

Meeting: 26/04/2006 - Conservation and Design Advisory Group (Item 6)

6 Teversham Conservation Area Design Guidance (incorporating Character Appraisal and Management Proposals) pdf icon PDF 20 KB


Recommended that the Conservation, Sustainability and Community Planning Portfolio Holder uses her delegated powers to confirm the revised boundaries for the Teversham Conservation Area, and presents the draft Design Guidance to Cabinet to seek its adoption as Council Policy, subject to the incorporation of the changes outlined in the Appendix attached to the report.


The Conservation Advisory Group considered a report on the outcome of the public consultation exercise relating to the Teversham Conservation Area Design Guidance (incorporating a Character Appraisal and Management Proposals).


Members supported officers’ recommendations in connection with the representation from Teversham Parish Council.


Members supported officers’ recommendation in connection with the representation from the owner of no. 8 High Street, Teversham, namely that no change should be made to the draft Guidance as far as it affacted that property.


Members supported officers’ recommendations in connection with the representation from the owner of no. 1 Thulborn Close, Teversham, namely that no change should be made to the draft Guidance as far as it affacted that property. 


Members supported officers’ recommendation in connection with the representation from the owner of no. 10 Church Street, Teversham, namely that no change should be made to the draft Guidance as far as it affacted that property.


The Chairman thanked the Conservation Area and Design Officer for his efforts in dealing with this matter.


The Conservation Advisory Group RECOMMENDED that the Conservation, Sustainability and Community Planning Portfolio Holder uses her delegated powers to confirm the revised boundaries for the Teversham Conservation Area, and presents the draft Design Guidance to Cabinet to seek its adoption as Council Policy, subject to the incorporation of the changes outlined in the Appendix attached to the report.