Issue - meetings

Financial Monitoring Report: Health and Environmental Services

Meeting: 27/07/2010 - Environmental Services Portfolio Holder's Meeting (Item 12)

12 Financial Outturn Report: Environmental Services Portfolio expenditure to 31 March 2010 pdf icon PDF 170 KB

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David Hill, Accountant was in attendance for this item.


The Portfolio Holder was provided with a year-end position statement that compared actual revenue and capital expenditure to 31 March 2010 with the working estimates.


The following issues were raised:


·         a saving of £48,508 on the Revenue account had been achieved and subsequently transferred into the General Fund reserves

·         a request to rollover a £9,500 underspend relating to a feasibility study at Covell’s Drain had been approved

·         income from the Home Improvement Agency had exceeded the budget by £26,500 due to transactions processed during the last few weeks

·         an overspend on kerbside recycling was due to income from recycling credits being lower than anticipated. Industries had increased recycling, however, glass and cardboard had become thinner. Income, however, showed a £25,000 increase over last years actual

·         Cllr Mike Mason felt it would be helpful if it could be shown in the details of the Capital Programme – General Fund, how much remained in the Partnership Infrastructure Works Fund following purchase of the Tractor and Flail

·         the Action on Dogs budget appeared excessive. This was due to the staffing on-costs involved and the use of kennelling services at Godmanchester and Wilburton to house stray dogs

·         the underspend of £1,645 relating to Training could have been rolled over

·         consideration to be given to identifying refuse bins to aid those persons partially sighted or blind. Action: Stuart Harwood-Clark


The Portfolio Holder ENDORSED the financial outturn report for expenditure to 31 March 2010 and NOTED that the levels of budget variance were within 1% of the overall total net revised revenue expenditure budget that the Environmental Services Portfolio contributes to the Council’s Revised General Fund expenditure.

Meeting: 09/11/2009 - Environmental Services Portfolio Holder's Meeting (Item 20)

20 Financial Monitoring - six-month progress report pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Additional documents:


The Environmental Services Portfolio Holder delegated responsibility to the Corporate Manager for Health and Environmental Services to ensure that current reported variances continue to be monitored and proactively managed. 


The Environmental Services Portfolio Holder received and noted  a financial monitoring report for the interim period covering the first six months of the financial year 2009-10.


The Environmental Services Portfolio Holder delegated responsibility to the Corporate Manager for Health and Environmental Services to ensure that current reported variances continue to be monitored and proactively managed.