Issue - meetings

2016/17 Quarter 1 financial monitoring report

Meeting: 01/09/2016 - Greater Cambridge Partnership Executive Board (Item 12)

12 2016/17 Quarter 1 financial monitoring report pdf icon PDF 266 KB

To consider the attached report.


The Executive Board NOTED the financial position as at 31 July 2016.


The Executive Board considered a report which provided the Board with the financial monitoring position for the period ending 31 July 2016 in respect of the City Deal Programme.


Sarah Heywood, Head of Finance and Performance at Cambridgeshire County Council, presented the report and highlighted a request at the Joint Assembly meeting held on 25 August 2016 for more detail to be added to future reports regarding changes in costs and any slippage in scheme delivery.  She confirmed that this would be reflected in future reporting.


Councillor Lewis Herbert, Chairman of the Executive Board, noted the table in paragraph 4.2.3 of the report which outlined the actual expenditure incurred as at the end of July.  He understood that some money had been spent which was not reflected in the table, but it was reported that some invoices had not yet been received and so could not be accounted for in this table for actual expenditure.


Councillor Francis Burkitt asked for clarity over the amount of New Homes Bonus available to the City Deal each year and how much of this funding had already been spent.  Sarah Heywood reported that this information would be included in a financial strategy reported scheduled for consideration at the Executive Board on 10 November 2016.  It was agreed that the Forward Plan would be amended to reflect that the Board would receive both a financial monitoring report and the financial strategy report at its meeting on 10 November 2016.


The Executive Board NOTED the financial position as at 31 July 2016.

Meeting: 25/08/2016 - Greater Cambridge Partnership Joint Assembly (Item 11)

11 2016/17 Quarter 1 financial monitoring report pdf icon PDF 266 KB

To consider the attached report.


The Joint Assembly NOTED the report.


The Joint Assembly considered a report which provided Members with the financial monitoring position for the period ending 31 July 2016.


It was noted that the variance in expenditure was due to timing. The narrative would be reviewed for the next report in order to provide more clarity.


The Joint Assembly NOTED the report.