Issue - meetings

Industrial Strategy

Meeting: 08/03/2017 - Greater Cambridge Partnership Executive Board (Item 9)

9 Industrial Strategy pdf icon PDF 244 KB


The City Deal Executive Board DELEGATED authority to the City Deal Interim Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive Board, to work with partners and stakeholders to develop a response to be submitted to Government by 17 April 2017.



Andrew Limb, Head of Corporate Strategy, Cambridge City Council,  presented the report which sought the Executive Board’s input to help shape the key themes that Greater Cambridge partners wished to emphasise in response to the Government’s Industrial Strategy.


Councillor Hickford informed the Board that Joint Assembly members had suggested that the City Deal’s response be coordinated with all the other organisations that would also be submitting a response, to ensure alignment. That clustering was a big factor in the area’s success should be emphasised in the response.


Professor Allmendinger advised that the University of Cambridge’s Pro-Vice Chancellor  was preparing the university’s response and advised coordination with this.


Councillor Burkitt advised that closing the skills gap and enabling jobs and opportunities to be available for local people, should be highlighted, as Cambridge had been described as one of the most unequal cities in the country.


The Executive Board agreed that responses should be coordinated and recognise each other.


Mr Limb set out his intentions which supported the views of the Executive Board Members. He highlighted Cambridge’s track record in research and development and of collaboration, which he felt needed to be emphasised and maximised. The Board thanked Mr Limb for his work on this.


The City Deal Executive Board DELEGATED authority to the City Deal Interim Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive Board, to work with partners and stakeholders to develop a response to be submitted to Government by 17 April 2017.


Meeting: 01/03/2017 - Greater Cambridge Partnership Joint Assembly (Item 10)

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The Joint Assembly RECOMMENDED that the Executive Board:


a)    Identifies any key themes or issues that should be emphasised in the Greater Cambridge response to the Government’s Green Paper “Building our Industrial Strategy”

b)    Delegates authority to the City Deal Interim Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive Board, to work with partners and stakeholders to develop a response to be submitted to Government by 17 April 2017.


The City Deal’s Interim Chief Executive presented the report seeking input to help shape the key themes that Greater Cambridge partners wished to emphasise in response to the Government’s Industrial Strategy.


Claire Ruskin advised that submissions from all organisations around Cambridge known to want to make a response to this strategy, be coordinated and aligned with and that submissions cross referenced other organisations.


Councillor Bick advised that as clustering had been a factor giving rise to Cambridge’s industrial success, this needed to be an important theme of the response. Councillor Bick also emphasised the importance of place base to the strategy.


The Joint Assembly was informed that the Head of Corporate Strategy, Cambridge City Council, would lead on this.


The Joint Assembly RECOMMENDED that the Executive Board:


a)    Identifies any key themes or issues that should be emphasised in the Greater Cambridge response to the Government’s Green Paper “Building our Industrial Strategy”

b)    Delegates authority to the City Deal Interim Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive Board, to work with partners and stakeholders to develop a response to be submitted to Government by 17 April 2017.