Issue - meetings

Senior Management Restructure

Meeting: 20/11/2019 - Weekly Bulletin (Item 6.)

Senior Management Restructure



a.    noted the feedback from the Employment and Staffing Committee meeting held on 14 November 2019;


b.    approved the proposed structure and noted the outline process set out in the report from the Chief Executive, starting with a 30-day consultation with those staff directly affected; and


c.     delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service (the Chief Executive) to make minor amendments to the structure where necessary, following the 30-day consultation, in consultation with Chair of the Employment and Staffing Committee and the Leader of the Council.


This decision was first published 18 November and so the deadline for call-in is 5pm on Monday 25 November.

Meeting: 18/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 5)

Senior Management Restructure




a.    noted the feedback from the Employment and Staffing Committee meeting held on 14 November 2019;


b.    approved the proposed structure and noted the outline process set out in the report from the Chief Executive, starting with a 30-day consultation with those staff directly affected; and


c.     delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service (the Chief Executive) to make minor amendments to the structure where necessary, following the 30-day consultation, in consultation with Chair of the Employment and Staffing Committee and the Leader of the Council.


Cabinet considered a report from the Chief Executive.


The Chief Executive verbally summarised the briefing sessions that had taken place and gave a verbal report on discussion that took place at the Employment and Staffing Committee meeting held on 14 November 2019.


Referring to the drivers for change highlighted in the report, Councillor Dr. Douglas de Lacey requested that the talents of every individual should be rewarded, and that staff should feel valued. The Chief Executive agreed with this point.


The Leader thanked the Chief Executive for the purposeful way in which the restructure had been conducted.




a.    noted the verbal feedback from the Employment and Staffing Committee meeting held on 14 November 2019;


b.    approved the proposed structure and noted the outline process set out in the report from the Chief Executive, starting with a 30-day consultation with those staff directly affected; and


c.     delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service (the Chief Executive) to make minor amendments to the structure where necessary, following the 30-day consultation, in consultation with Chair of the Employment and Staffing Committee and the Leader of the Council.