Issue - meetings

Meeting / Date ...

Meeting: 22/07/2021 - Council (Item 16)

16 Cabinet, 22 March 2021: Ermine Street Housing Business Plan

To receive the following item recommended by Cabinet.

Additional documents:




Agreed           To receive the Ermine Street Business Plan for the period 2020/2021 to 2029/2030 for information.


Councillor John Batchelor, Lead Cabinet Member for Housing, introduced this report, which sought the agreement of Council to receive the Business Plan for the Ermine Street Housing company. He explained that the Council reviewed the market rent company annually. Covid-19 had impacted on rent arrears, although this had significantly improved recently.


Councillor Peter Fane explained that he was a Director of Ermine Street Housing and so would not take part in the debate and would not vote.


Councillor Mark Howell expressed concern about the fact that the Company had residents outside the District, including some in Peterborough and now Leeds. Councillor John Batchelor explained that the small number of tenants in Leeds and Nottingham were sub-contracted to agents. The housing of homeless people was the responsibility of the housing department and not Ermine Street Housing. Councillor Mark Howell asked whether the dwellings were inspected and what the process was for raising concerns about the tenants renting the homes. It was agreed that answers to these questions would be provided outside the meeting.


Councillor John Batchelor explained that he was a Director of Ermine Street Housing but he resigned when he became Lead Cabinet Member of Housing. Councillor Nick Wright suggested that the business case should be presented by the Directors of the Company.


Councillor Deborah Roberts explained that she had opposed the setting up of Ermine Street Housing six years ago, but she now accepted that she was wrong. The Conservative group should be congratulated for taking the decision to set up the Company and resolving to purchase 500 units. Councillor Roberts expressed concern at the tenants in Leeds and Nottingham as the priority should be to benefit the District’s residents.


Councillor Heather Williams stated that Ermine Street Housing was an example of a good investment made by the Council and she praised the officers who had made this happen. She also supported the decision to discuss this matter in open session.


Councillor John Williams thanked the officers who worked for Ermine Street Housing who made this such a success. He shared members’ concerns about tenants outside the District, but this had been agreed under guidelines set up by the previous administration.


Councillor John Batchelor explained that the original objective of the Company was to deliver 500 homes, which would be achieved this year. Any future expansion beyond number this would need to be agreed by the Council.


Council, by affirmation


Agreed          To receive the Ermine Street Business Plan for the period 2020/2021 to 2029/2030 for information.