Venue: Council Chamber, First Floor
Contact: Pippa Turvey 01954 713000 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence from Cabinet Members. |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of interest from Cabinet Members. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To authorise the Leader to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2025 (to follow) as a true and accurate record. |
Announcements |
If you would like to ask a question or make a statement, then please refer to the
Document called Public Speaking Scheme (Physical Meetings)
and contact Democratic Services by no later than 11.59pm on 29 January 2025.
Draft 2025-30 Corporate Plan and 2025-26 Corporate Action Plan Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: a) Noted the draft 2025-30 Corporate Plan (Appendix A to the report) and draft 2025-26 Corporate Action Plan (Appendix B to the report) prior to submission to Council for approval. b) Authorised the Chief Executive to make any minor wording changes required to final drafts, in consultation with the Leader. |
Authority Monitoring Report for Greater Cambridge 2023-2024 Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet:
a) Agreed the Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council - Authority Monitoring Report for Greater Cambridge 2023-2024 (included as Appendix A to the report) for publication on the Councils’ websites. b) Delegated any further minor editing changes to the Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council - Authority Monitoring Report for Greater Cambridge 2023-2024 to the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development, in consultation with the Lead Cabinet Member for Planning Policy and Development Management.
Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet considered the report and recommended to Full Council the updated Capital Strategy attached at Appendix A to the report which set the policy framework for the development, management and monitoring of capital investment, including Capital Prudential Indicators. |
Treasury Management Strategy Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet considered the report and recommended to Council the updated Treasury Management Strategy attached at Appendix A to the report which set the policy framework for the Council’s treasury management activity, including (i) the Treasury Management Policy Statement, (ii) Minimum Revenue Provision Policy and (ii) Treasury Indicators.
General Fund Revenue and Capital Budget 2025/26 Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet considered and reviewed the report and appendices as presented and recommended to Full Council the adoption of:
General Fund (GF): Revenue
a) The updated Medium Term Financial Strategy forecasts as shown in Appendix A. b) The General Fund revenue budget for 2025/26, as shown in the GF detailed budget at Appendix C and summarised at Appendix B, considering the statement by the Chief Finance Officer on the risks and robustness of the estimates as required under Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003, reproduced at Appendix G. c) Acknowledge the key factors which have led to the proposed 2025/26 General Fund Revenue Budget, with service budget proposals and savings summarised at Appendix D and efficiency savings and income generation (outcome of budget star chamber meetings) summarised at Appendix E. d) The Council Tax Requirement for 2025/26 at £12,255,340 and approve an increase in the district element of the Council Tax of £5.09 per annum, giving an average Band D Council Tax of £175.40, plus the relevant amounts required by the precepts of the Parish Councils, Cambridgeshire County Council, Cambridgeshire Police & Crime Commissioner, and the Cambridgeshire Fire Authority. e) The estimates of the amounts required to be made under the Non-domestic Rating (Rates Retention) Regulations 2013 as set out in paragraphs 47 - 58. f) The use of the additional income from the Business Rate Pool, estimated at £1,700,000 in 2025/26, for transfer to the established Renewables Reserve for priority projects.
GF: Review of Reserves
g) Note the movement in Reserves in 2024/25 as set out in Appendix H, and the estimated balance of Reserves of £31.390 million.
GF: Capital
h) The General Fund Capital Programme as shown in Appendix I. |
Housing Revenue Account Revenue and Capital Budget 2025/26 Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet considered and reviewed the report and appendices as presented and recommended to Full Council the adoption of:
Housing Revenue Account (HRA): Revenue
a) The HRA revenue budget for 2025/2026 as shown in the HRA Budget Summary as presented at Appendix A.
HRA: Review of Rents and Charges
b) The proposed council dwelling rents for all social rented properties increase of 2.7%, recognising that inflation measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) at September 2024, plus 1% results in an increase of 2.7%. c) The proposed affordable rents (inclusive of service charge) increase of 2.7% in line with the increase for social rents. d) The rents for affordable shared ownership properties increase of 4.0%, recognising that inflation measured by the Retail Price Index (RPI) at December 2024 plus 0.5% results in an increase of 4.0%. e) The garage rents increase of 2.7% in line with the increase for social rents. f) Council dwelling rents for properties with an EPC rating of A or B increase to 105% of target rent on re-let. g) The proposed service charges for HRA services and facilities provided to both tenants and leaseholders, as shown in Appendix D.
HRA: Capital
h) The required level of funding for new build investment between 2025/2026 and 2029/2030 to ensure that commitments can be met in respect of the investment of all right to buy receipts currently retained or anticipated to be received by the authority for this period. This expenditure will take the form of HRA new build, with the 60% top up met by other HRA resources. i) The HRA Medium Term Financial Strategy forecasts as shown in Appendix B. j) The Housing Capital Programme as shown in Appendix C.
Localised Council Tax Support Scheme 2025-26 Decision: Cabinet recommended the continuation of the 2024/25 LCTS scheme originally implemented, in its current form, in 2023/24, proposing a reasonable uprating of 1.7% for the upcoming financial year 2025-26. |