Agenda and minutes

Joint Meeting with Housing and Environmental Services Portfolio Holder, Licensing Committee - Wednesday, 20 June 2007 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Council Chamber - South Cambs Hall. View directions

Contact: Maggie Jennings  01954 713029

No. Item

The Corporate Manager (Health and Environmental Services) opened the meeting


Declarations of Interest


Councillor DC McCraith declared a personal interest as a Cambridgeshire County Councillor. 


Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman for the coming year. 


Councillors RE Barrett and Mrs CAED Murfitt were nominated and seconded and, following a ballot of those Committee Members present, it was


RESOLVED     that, by six votes to five, Councillor RE Barrett be elected Chairman of the Licensing Committee for the year 2007-08. 

Councillor RE Barrett took the Chair.


Election of Vice-Chairman

To elect a Vice-Chairman for the coming year. 



Councillors R Hall and Mrs CAED Murfitt were nominated and seconded and, following a ballot of those Committee Members present, it was


RESOLVED     that, by six votes to five, Councillor R Hall be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee for the year 2007-08. 


Minutes of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 116 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2007. 


The Committee authorised the Chairman to sign, as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2007.


Councillor Mrs CAED Murfitt stated that she had spoken before the meeting with the Licensing Officer, who had clarified a number of issues contained in the Minutes to her personal satisfaction.


Gambling Act 2005 - Setting of Fees pdf icon PDF 139 KB

The Housing and Environmental Services Portfolio Holder will make a recommendation to the Committee, who in turn, will make a recommendation to Cabinet. 

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report setting outthe maximum fees for applications and annual licence fees for the first year of the Gambling Act 2005, to be determined by the Cabinet, and proposing thatfees for subsequent years be reviewed and set by the relevant Portfolio Holder to ensure full cost recovery, subject to any limitations laid out within the legislation.


Concern was expressed at the apparent inconsistency between Recommendations (a) and (b) at paragraph 15 of the report.  In reply, the Corporate Manager (Health and Environmental Services) reminded Members that, under the Council’s Constitution, the determination of fees was a function of the Cabinet.  He stated that the proposal was that the Portfolio Holder review those fees annually on the basis of existing Council policy on the subject.  The Committee felt that its expertise in licensing matters should be called upon by the Cabinet in finalising fee levels, and that the way to ensure this would be to communicate its views to the Portfolio Holder.  


The Licensing Committee       


(1)            SUPPORTED the maximum fees as set out in Appendix A to the report, and ENCOURAGED the Portfolio Holder to seek the Cabinet’s approval of application and annual licence fees for the first year of the Gambling Act 2005; and


(2)            AGREED that fees for subsequent years be reviewed and set by the relevant Portfolio Holder, acting within the current fee policy framework, to ensure full cost recovery, subject to any limitations laid out within the legislation.

The Chairman declared the meeting of the Licensing Committee closed and opened the meeting of the Licensing Committee (2003 Act)


Declaration of Interest


Councillor DC McCraith declared a personal interest as Cambridgeshire County Councillor.


Election of Chairman


Councillor RE Barrett was nominated and seconded as Chairman of the Licensing Committee (Gambling Act 2005) and, there being no further nominations, it was


RESOLVED    that Councillor RE Barrett be elected Chairman of the Licensing Committee (Gambling Act 2005) for the year 2007-08. 


Appointment of Vice-Chairman


Councillor R Hall was nominated and seconded as Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee (Gambling Act 2005) and, there being no further nominations, it was


RESOLVED     that Councillor R Hall be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee (Gambling Act 2005) for the year 2007-08. 


Minutes of previous meeting


The Committee authorised the Chairman to sign, as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2006.


Establishment of Sub-Committee Chairmen for Licensing Committee (2003 Act)

Members are recommended to appoint 6 Members to act as Chairmen of the individual sub-committees required in respect of future hearings under the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005 regulations. Once Chairmen have been appointed, a list of the combinations of Chairmen and Members for each panel will require approval at a later meeting.


The Licensing Committee appointed the following Members as Chairmen of the Sub-Committee required in respect of future Hearings under the Licensing Act 2003:


Councillor Mrs PM Bear

Councillor Mrs A Elsby

Councillor R Hall

Councillor R Martlew

Councillor Mrs CAED Murfitt

Councillor A Riley


Capacity to act as Chairman depended on attendance at the relevant training course.


Officers would, in due course, circulate a list containing combinations of Chairmen and Members for each Panel for approval at a future meeting of the parent Committee.


Establishment of Sub-Committee Chairmen for Licensing Committee (Gambling Act 2005)


The Licensing Committee (2003 Act) (Gambling Act 2005) appointed the following Members as Chairmen of the Sub-Committee required in respect of future Hearings under the Gambling Act 2005:


Councillor Mrs PM Bear

Councillor Mrs A Elsby

Councillor R Hall

Councillor R Martlew

Councillor DC McCraith

Councillor Mrs CAED Murfitt


Capacity to act as Chairman depended on attendance at the relevant training course.


Officers would, in due course, circulate a list containing combinations of Chairmen and Members for each Panel for approval at a future meeting of the parent Committee.