Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny and Overview Committee - Thursday, 17 October 2024 5.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber - South Cambs Hall. View directions

Contact: Ian Senior  01954 713000 Email:


No. Item


Apologies for absence

Councillors Jose Hales and Richard Stobart have sent apologies. To receive apologies for absence from other committee members. 


Councillors Tom Bygott, Jose Hales, Judith Rippeth and Richard Stobart, each a member of the Scrutiny and Overview Committee, sent apologies.


Councillor Peter Fane, Chair the Council, also sent apologies.


Declarations of Interest


The scrutiny review being undertaken concerned the actions of Anglian Water with whom each Member present was in a financial relationship. South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Monitoring Officer considered that, pursuant to Sections 33 (2) (a - e) of the Localism Act 2011, it was appropriate to grant a dispensation to all South Cambridgeshire District Councillors present so that they could participate fully in the meeting. They would otherwise have been constrained by the definition of a Non-Registrable Interest (“matter directly relates to your financial interest, or that of a relative or close associate”).


Councillor Paul Bearpark declared an interest as a member of the Waterbeach Level Internal Drainage Board.


Councillor Anna Bradnam declared an interest as a member of the Waterbeach Level Internal Drainage Board.


Councillor Sue Ellington declared an interest as a member of the Swavesey Internal Drainage Board.


Councillor Helene Leeming declared an interest as an employee and member of the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire.




Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 148 KB

To authorise the Chair to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 5 September 2024 as a correct record.


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee authorised the Chair to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 5 September 2024.


Public Questions

If you would like to ask a question or make a statement, then please refer to the


Document called Public Speaking Scheme (Physical Meetings)


and contact the Scrutiny and Governance Adviser in Democratic Services by no later than 11.59pm on Sunday 13 October 2024.


There were no public questions.


Scrutiny review - Drainage, Flooding and the mitigation of water pollution pdf icon PDF 216 KB


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee undertook a review of the respective responsibilities of Anglian Water, the Environment Agency, Lead Flood Authority (Cambridgeshire County Council) and South Cambridgeshire District Council in addressing the challenges posed by drainage, flooding and water pollution.


The first question sought clarification about how the organisations represented at the meeting interfaced with each other, and where individual responsibilities started and finished. The aim was for Members to understand who to approach in the event of flooding and how that should best be done. Responses related to such things as reporting via dedicated websites and 24-hour call centres and, in the case of the Environment Agency, providing early warning of potential flooding. In terms of effective communication, there was broad support for an increase in the number of community-based Flood Action Groups across South Cambridgeshire.


Concern was expressed about the risk of flooding that might occur in existing communities as a result of large-scale new development taking place nearby. Anglian Water representatives regretted that the Company was not a statutory consultee within the planning process but that pressure would be brought to bear on Central Government to remove the automatic right of developers to connect to the main sewer.


Committee members heard about one way in which Anglian Water was hoping to tackle the issue of surface water infiltrating into foul water sewers. The company was considering the practicality of retro-fitting sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) under private properties and buildings such as schools, and public demand for water butts. Awareness and education were key and Anglian Water was eager to help encourage s greater sense of personal responsibility whenever possible.


Anglian Water representatives acknowledged that much of its vast network of infrastructure was in poor condition and in need of repair or replacement.  They summarised the financial pressures brought about by limits imposed on the ability to increase bills and explained the company’s priorities, which included monitoring devices on sewers on the basis that prevention was often better than cure. A Committee member suggested that South Cambridgeshire District Council might be able to apply political pressure to secure more funding for the maintenance or replacement of aging infrastructure.


The Committee noted the structure of Anglian Water and the alternative models available such as not-for-profit organisations and nationalisation.


Anglian Water representatives explained the purpose and functioning of Storm Drains, describing them as pressure release valves.  They also described how legislation was needed in order to detail responsibilities in the event of an ‘undeclared emergency.’ Simple and effective communication between Town and Parish Councils on the one hand and Anglian Water on the other was essential and needed to be improved.


Another concern was to make sure that requests to clear culverts were delivered to the appropriate section of Cambridgeshire County Council, typically local highways. The role played by South Cambridgeshire District Council was examined.


Following further discussion, including about the delay in the adoption of roads caused by the late adoption of drains by Anglian Water, and the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 200 KB

Additional documents:


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee noted the work programme attached to the agenda.