Venue: Council Chamber - South Cambs Hall. View directions
Contact: Simon Hill 01954 713000 Email: Members of the public wishing to speak at this meeting should contact the above Support Officer by no later than 4pm two clear working days before the meeting. A public speaking protocol applies.
No. | Item |
Chair's announcements |
Apologies To receive apologies for absence from committee members. |
Declarations of Interest
1. Disclosable pecuniary interests (“DPI”) A DPI is where a committee member or his/her spouse or partner has any kind of beneficial interest in the land under consideration at the meeting.
2. Non-disclosable pecuniary interests These are interests that are pecuniary involving a personal financial benefit or detriment but do not come within the definition of a DPI. An example would be where a member of their family/close friend (who is not their spouse or partner) has such an interest.
3. Non-pecuniary interests Where the interest is not one which involves any personal financial benefit or detriment to the Councillor but arises out of a close connection with someone or some body /association. An example would be membership of a sports committee/ membership of another council which is involved in the matter under consideration. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 134 KB To authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the meetings held on 9 and 11 December 2024 as a correct record. (attached) Additional documents: |
Planning Committee Review - Scheme of Delegation PDF 353 KB To consider the attached report and appendices. Additional documents:
Provisional TPO - PZZHXBPN - Coton Orchard, Cambridge Road, Coton PDF 199 KB To consider whether to serve a provisional Tree Preservation Order within the Parish of Coton for the protection of 12 Bramley apple trees. (Attached) Additional documents: |
23/01448/OUT - Land at Branch Road, Comberton PDF 632 KB To consider a hybrid planning application for the construction of an Integrated Retirement Community (IRC) of up to 200 extra care units (Use Class C2) with ancillary communal and care facilities and green space consisting of:
a) A full planning application for 24 Close Care Units and 32 Extra Care Units (Use Class C2), the Clubhouse, means of access, landscaping and open space, and all other associated works and infrastructure, and,
b) An outline planning application (all matters reserved except access) for up to 144 extra care units (Use Class C2) with ancillary communal and public open space, landscaping, solar generation and battery storage, and all other associated works and infrastructure. Additional documents:
24/03344/PIP - Land West of 39 Pound Green, Guilden Morden PDF 330 KB To consider an application for the erection of 1 No. Self Build Dwelling. (Report attached) |
24/02619/OUT - Avon Fields, Land at Haden Way, Willingham PDF 398 KB To consider an outline planning application (with all matters reserved except access) for the erection of up to 4no. custom build dwellings. (report attached) |
Appeals against Planning Decisions and Enforcement Action PDF 286 KB |