Agenda, decisions and minutes

Northstowe and New Communities Portfolio Holder's Meeting - Thursday, 23 June 2011 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber - South Cambs Hall. View directions

Contact: Holly Adams  03450 450 500

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest. 


Minutes of Previous Meetings

The Portfolio Holder is asked to sign the minutes of the following meetings as correct records:

·           Northstowe Portfolio Holder meeting, 13 April 2011

·           New Communities Portfolio Holder meeting, 19 May 2011

Additional documents:


The minutes of the 13 April 2011 Northstowe Portfolio Holder’s meeting were approved.


The minutes of the 19 May 2011 New Communities Portfolio Holder’s meeting were approved subject to the incorporation of the following amendments:

·                      Minute 62, Gamlingay: Educational Provision – “Councillor Nick Wright also expressed concern concerns and said…”

·                      Minute 66, Forward Plan – “Councillor Bridget Smith paid tribute…”


Government consultation on draft PPS Planning for Traveller Sites pdf icon PDF 87 KB


The Northstowe & New Communities Portfolio Holder AGREED to respond to the government consultation on the draft new Planning Policy Statement (PPS) “Planning for Travellers” with the comments set out in Appendix 1 to the report, subject to the following amendments, the wording of which to be finalised by officers in consultation with the Portfolio Holder:

·                      A summary of this Council’s enforcement and appeals experiences under the heading “Other Matters”;

·                      Recognition that, as in the settled community, the travelling community was comprised of different groups, often with different needs, for which a single target might not be appropriate;

·                      To seek clarity whether the relationship between the number of pitches and plots and the size and density of the surrounding population (Policy B paragraph 9f) was positive or inverse; and

·                      To address minor typographical errors before submission.


The Portfolio Holder considered a suggested response to the government consultation on the draft new Planning Policy Statement (PPS) “Planning for Travellers”, which had been long awaited and would have a significant influence on how the Council completed its Gypsy and Traveller Development Plan Document (DPD).


In response to questions, it was confirmed that:

·                                    The PPS would apply to the Council as a material planning consideration when submitting the DPD;

·                                    Regional targets were to be removed and it would be necessary to develop and consult on local targets;

·                                    The Draft PPS drew parallels with the “Planning for Housing” PPS 3, and in the absence of a  demonstrable five year land supply, the Council would be required to consider favourably applications for temporary planning consents. This is stronger than the guidance regarding temporary consents in current circular;

·                                    The response focussed primarily on plan making as this was the major issue locally, but details about enforcement costs could be included;

·                                    The response sought to have included in the PPS an acknowledgement of the opportunity afforded by major development sites to address Gypsy and Traveller site provision;

·                                    It was unknown how the forthcoming Duty to Co-operate with neighbouring authorities would operate, but this would be a factor in the development of local targets; and

·                                    The Gypsy and Traveller Accomodation Needs Assessment is being undertaken in partnership across a range of authorities, to help avoid any double-counting and to ensure that the figures are robust.


Officers were thanked for their thorough review and response.


The Northstowe & New Communities Portfolio Holder AGREED to respond to the government consultation on the draft new Planning Policy Statement (PPS) “Planning for Travellers” with the comments set out in Appendix 1 to the report, subject to the following amendments, the wording of which to be finalised by officers in consultation with the Portfolio Holder:

·                                    A summary of this Council’s enforcement and appeals experiences under the heading “Other Matters”;

·                                    Recognition that, as in the settled community, the travelling community was comprised of different groups, often with different needs, for which a single target might not be appropriate;

·                                    To seek clarity whether the relationship between the number of pitches and plots and the size and density of the surrounding population (Policy B paragraph 9f) was positive or inverse; and

·                                    To address minor typographical errors before submission.


Government consultation on relaxation of planning rules for change of use from commercial to residential pdf icon PDF 94 KB


The Northstowe & New Communities Portfolio Holder AGREED to respond to the government consultation on proposals regarding relaxation of planning rules for change of use from commercial (B use classes) to residential (C3 use classes) with the comments set out in Appendix 1 to the report, subject to the following amendments, the wording of which to be finalised by officers in consultation with the Portfolio Holder:

·                      When responding to Question E about whether or not the full range of possible issues has been identified, to include specific reference to the impact of the proposals on the Green Belt and on conservation areas; and

·                      To elaborate further on the impact on nearby commercial users of the presence of residential users.


The Portfolio Holder considered the proposed response to the government consultation on proposals to relax planning rules to allow the change of use from commercial (B use classes) to residential (C3 use classes) without planning permission.  This proposal attempted to address an apparent over-supply of employment land and undersupply of housing; however, it was felt by those present at the meeting that the proposal was better suited for urban centres and not rural districts.


The importance of maintaining the sustainability of South Cambridgeshire villages was key to the District remaining resilient.  Without the requirement for planning permission, commercial use properties could be converted into residential areas without any assessment of the impact on local education and health provision, or section 106 or affordable housing contributions.  Loss of opportunities for village employment would lead to increased traffic as more residents had to travel to work.  Officers were commended for a thorough response.


The Northstowe & New Communities Portfolio Holder AGREED to respond to the government consultation on proposals regarding relaxation of planning rules for change of use from commercial (B use classes) to residential (C3 use classes) with the comments set out in Appendix 1 to the report, subject to the following amendments, the wording of which to be finalised by officers in consultation with the Portfolio Holder:

·                      When responding to Question E about whether or not the full range of possible issues has been identified, to include specific reference to the impact of the proposals on the Green Belt and on conservation areas; and

·                      To elaborate further on the impact on nearby commercial users of the presence of residential users.


Performance Measures 2011-12 pdf icon PDF 32 KB


The Northstowe & New Communities Portfolio Holder AGREED in principle the proposed performance measurements identified in paragraphs 8-12 of the report and NOTED that these measurements could be revised mid-year as the programme evolved.


The Corporate Manager (Planning & New Communities) clarified that the performance measures in this report referred to the current year and not the previous year as had appeared in paper copies of the agenda.  The Northstowe & New Communities Portfolio Holder AGREED in principle the proposed performance measurements identified in paragraphs 8-12 of the report and NOTED that these measurements could be revised mid-year as the programme evolved.


Financial Monitoring Report 2010-11 - Final pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Additional documents:


The Principal Accountant (General Fund and Projects) presented the 2010/11 year-end financial monitoring report and explained that, in light of the re-allocation of Cabinet responsibilities on 23 May 2011, figures relating to services previously in the separate New Communities Portfolio and Northstowe Portfolio, but which were not part of the Northstowe & New Communities Portfolio, would be reported to the relevant Portfolio Holders under the new Cabinet structure.  The figures showed that 91% of the revenue budget had been spent and the report set out the reasons for the underspend.  It was clarified that the word ‘overspent’ in the table at Appendix A was an error and should not have appeared.


The Northstowe & New Communities Portfolio Holder NOTED the revenue and capital expenditure for the Portfolio budget for the year ending 31 March 2011. 


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 15 KB


The Portfolio Holder confirmed the content of the Forward Plan.  In response to questions, it was clarified that:

·                                    Grant applications were now to be determined by the Leader;

·                                    The Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment results would be considered by the Housing Portfolio Holder as the process was led by the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA); and

·                                    The Water Cycle Strategy and the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment were two separate, yet complementary, pieces of work.


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Northstowe and New Communities Portfolio Holder has been scheduled for Tuesday 20 September 2011, starting at 2.00pm.


The Portfolio Holder asked those present to note that the August and October meetings had been re-scheduled to September and November respectively.


The next meeting would be on Tuesday 20 September 2011 at 2pm.