Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.


Information about Cabinet

Councillor Bridget Smith is the Leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council and Chairman of the Executive (Cabinet).  The Executive consists of nine Cabinet members, including the Leader and Deputy Leader.


Each Cabinet member has lead responsibility for several Council services.


The Cabinet takes most day-to-day decisions in line with the Budget and Policy Framework approved by the Council.


Most decisions are taken collectively by Cabinet, but individual lead Cabinet members also have delegated powers to make decisions affecting their service areas where it is expedient for them to do so.


Individual Cabinet members also have delegated powers to make decisions affecting their service areas. 


Getting involved


Members of the Press and public are welcome to attend Cabinet meetings as observers, subject to statutory access to information rules, and can ask questions at meetings.


To help the public keep informed about what’s coming up, each month we publish a list of decisions to be taken by Cabinet, Council and other bodies in the coming four months (known as the “forward plan”). These decisions will support and help the Council to achieve its long term vision and strategic aims and objectives.


Details about the Executive (Cabinet) can be found in Article 7 of the Council’s Constitution.


Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution also sets out responsibility for Executive functions, indicating levels of decision-making power for Cabinet, individual Portfolio Holders or those matters reserved for the Leader of the Council.