The Planning Committee is one of the
Council’s Regulatory Committees, bodies which have
decision-making powers and report to full Council. Membership is decided at the Annual General
Meeting of the Council in May. Further
details about the responsibilities of each Regulatory Committee are
available in
Part 2: Article 8, and
Part 3 of the Constitution.
The exercise of
All applications are delegated to planning
officers except for those referred to Planning Committee in
accordance with the Council’s scheme of delegation for
planning decisions, and those relating to the Cambridge Fringes,
for which there is a separate Joint Development Control Committee
established by the Council in accordance with Section 101 of the
Local Government Act 1972. Further details about the scheme of delegation can
be found in
Part 3, Table 3 of the Constitution.
The Planning Committee also exercises
Enforcement functions under those Acts (other than where the
Planning Sub-Committee has delegated authority). It deals with matters in relation to Public Rights
of Way, Protection of Important Hedgerows and Tree Preservation and
safety, and administers and enforces Building Regulation regimes
for existing or proposed buildings.
Planning policy issues, such as the Local Development Framework
and Supplementary Planning Documents are the responsibility of the
Lead Cabinet Member for Planning, the Cabinet and Council. Other
policy issues, such as the designation of conservation areas are
the responsibility of the Lead Cabinet Member for Planning or the
Public Speaking at meetings of the Planning Committee
Members of the public
(applicants, agents, supporters, objectors and parish council
representatives) have a right to speak to the Committee, so long as
they contact the relevant Support / Democratic Services Officer
by no later than 4.00pm two clear working days before the
meeting (ie: by 4.00pm on a Friday where a committee meeting is
held on Wednesday) and adhere to the
Public speaking protocol. Late applications to speak at the
meeting are likely to be refused.
Updated: September