Agenda item

Estimates for Departmental and Central Overheads Budget for 2006/07

The Estimates Book is enclosed separately for members of Cabinet. It may also be viewed on the Intranet/website. 


Cabinet AGREED to


(a)               confirm the inflation figure of 2 ½% for both general expenditure and pay awards, on which all the estimates were being prepared;

(b)               approve the revenue estimates and recharges as presented and shown at Appendices A and B; and

(c)               approve the capital programme shown at Appendix C.


The draft estimates for all services would be presented to Portfolio Holders in January for consideration and endorsement, including the budget reductions to meet capping requirements as agreed by Council in October 2005.  Council would give final approval to the estimates on 23 February 2006.  In order to start this process, Cabinet was asked to determine the estimates for staffing and central overheads.


Conservation, Sustainability and Community Planning

Discussions were taking place through Cambridgeshire Horizons for funding towards the vacant Northstowe post, but there were sensitivities to consider before approaching developers for contributions towards a planning post.


Cambourne Office

The Council did not have the resources to undertake an external assessment of selling the Cambourne Office and leasing space; the Resources and Staffing Portfolio Holder had refused the suggestion since selling the office would realise a large capital sum, which could then be spent only on capital projects, while requiring revenue savings to be identified elsewhere to cover rental payments.  Councillor Mrs GJ Smith asked that the savings realised in relation to the costs of telephones, energy and rates be publicised.


The Resources and Staffing Portfolio Holder undertook to liaise with the Housing and Environmental Services Director regarding heating in the Housing Department.


Cabinet AGREED to


(a)               Confirm the inflation figure of 2 ½% for both general expenditure and pay awards, on which all the estimates were being prepared;

(b)               Approve the revenue estimates and recharges as presented and shown at Appendices A and B; and

(c)               Approve the capital programme shown at Appendix C.

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