Agenda item

From Councillor Mrs BZD Smith to the Deputy Leader and Housing Portfolio Holder

This Council is presently engaged in an important and expensive consultation exercise with its tenants regarding the subject of possible housing stock transfer. 


Surely sound communication must be at the heart of any credible consultation. Yet, we have seen an inconsistent manner of planning local drop-in sessions, in which the onus may be on the local community to request a drop-in session, and in which local members are not informed or consulted until invitations have gone out or indeed drop-in sessions have taken place.  The announcement that the ballot for the shadow board was flawed and must be re-administered further undermines confidence in the council’s ability to communicate effectively during this critical exercise.  What reassurances can the PFH offer?


Councillor Mrs BZD Smith asked the Deputy Leader and Housing Portfolio Holder the following question:


‘This Council is presently engaged in an important and expensive consultation exercise with its tenants regarding the subject of possible housing stock transfer. 


Surely sound communication must be at the heart of any credible consultation. Yet, we have seen an inconsistent manner of planning local drop-in sessions, in which the onus may be on the local community to request a drop-in session, and in which local members are not informed or consulted until invitations have gone out or indeed drop-in sessions have taken place.  The announcement that the ballot for the shadow board was flawed and must be re-administered further undermines confidence in the council’s ability to communicate effectively during this critical exercise.  What reassurances can the Portfolio Holder offer?’


Councillor SM Edwards, Deputy Leader and Housing Portfolio Holder, stated that he did not agree that the process had been inconsistent or ill-informed. The three recent drop-in sessions had been advertised in a newsletter which had been circulated to all Members, including the event held in Gamlingay on 8 April 2008. Councillor Edwards noted that Local Ward Members had been consulted in agreeing venues for these sessions, and advised that he welcomed any suggestions for venues for future events of a similar nature. It would not be logistically possible to hold events in every village in the district, however assistance with transport would be provided where appropriate. The Council had held open events at the offices and at Sawston and Histon in respect of the new landlord selection process, and aimed to respond to requests for ad hoc events when possible.


In respect of the problems which had affected the recent election, Councillor Edwards acknowledged the errors which had been made which were deeply regrettable and for which he offered his sincerest apologies. He reassured Council that such errors were isolated events which were not characteristic of the professional, dedicated and hard-working Housing Futures team, which had worked very hard to rectify the error.


The Portfolio Holder went on to advise that the Council had agreed a comprehensive communication strategy for the housing futures project, centred on tenants and leaseholders. Communication methods would continue to be in line with the tenants’ wishes, including further forums for sheltered housing schemes and leaseholders. Monthly meetings continued to take place with the tenant participation group, the Council offered a free telephone service providing independent advice, and a letter had been sent to all tenants advertising the forthcoming programme of home visits to explain the process.


By way of a supplementary question, Councillor Mrs Smith advised that she had spoken to three Members who had not been made aware of recent events and had therefore been unable to participate. She requested that the Portfolio Holder advise Local Ward Members of the dates of the programme of home visits, so as to avoid such problems recurring.


The Portfolio Holder requested details of which Members had not been notified, to allow him to investigate further. He advised that the programme of home visits was an operational matter being prepared by officers; he had no details of visits but endeavoured to provide what information he could to keep all Members informed.