Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meeting

To authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 12th February as a correct record.


The minutes of 12th February 2004 were agreed as a correct record, subject to the following amendments:


In section 7.(a) Revenue and Capital Estimates for the Community Development Portfolio, the third sentence under the heading Milton Country Park be amended to read: “The Community Development portfolio holder stated …”


In section 7.(b) Revenue of Capital Estimates for the Conservation Portfolio, the final sentence was amended to read: “The Conservation Manager informed the Committee of the work of the Green Belt Project.”


In section 7.(d) Revenue of Capital Estimates for the Housing Portfolio, the paragraphs under the heading Rent Increase 2004/05 were amended to read:


“In response to questioning the Housing portfolio holder asserted that any increase in rents was regrettable but the Council was attempting to address what locally, at this time, were incompatible Government objectives:


·                      increasing rents to a level more in line with those of other social landlords, and

·                      retaining rent levels at or below the Government Guideline.


“The Housing Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that any additional rent income received, as a result of imposing an increase above the Government Guideline, would involve a rent rebate penalty.  This would require the Council to pay to the Department of Work and Pensions, a sum equivalent to the additional costs of housing benefit that would be awarded to tenants as a consequence of an “over Guideline” increase.  The size of the rent rebate penalty was expected to be approximately half of the additional rent income received.


“The Portfolio Holder went on to explain that in those instances where retaining rents at Guideline prevented otherwise more rapid progress towards rent equalisation (i.e. achieving target rents calculated in accordance with Government formulae), Officers had received confirmation from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister that the Authority would not be criticised for any consequential delay in achieving equalisation.  Indeed, Officers of the ODPM were most understanding of the Council’s predicament and fully accepted that the Council would not wish to incur a rent rebate penalty, merely to achieve the aim of rent equalisation earlier than would otherwise be the case.


“The Portfolio Holder confirmed her expectation that, for the vast majority of properties, target rents would be achieved in the next 8-9 years.”


In the second paragraph under the heading Tenant Participation, in the same section, the second sentence was amended to read:

“The Head of Shire Homes explained that if necessary, revenue savings out of the total Housing, Repairs and Maintenance budget of £9 million would have to be made.”


The final sentence, under the heading Equity Share Housing, was amended to read:

“It was noted that the Council should be charging equity shareholders the cost relating to their individual scheme, rather than a set fee determined for the district as a whole.”


Under the heading Bus Services, the Mordens be amended to read “Meldreth”.


In the section 7.(e) Revenue and Capital Estimates for the Information and Customer Services Portfolio under the heading Meeting Rooms & European Elections, the words European Union in the last sentence were amended to “Government”.


In the section 7.(f) Revenue and Capital Estimates for the Planning and Economic Development Portfolio, under the heading Building Control, the last sentence was amended to read: “A proposal that fees for Schedules 1 and 2 would be increased at the beginning of April, in line with the LGA model scheme, was noted.”


In the section 7.(h) Revenue and Capital Estimates for the Sustainability and Community Planning Portfolio, under the heading Tourism, the second sentence was amended to read: “The portfolio holder for Sustainability and Community Planning stated that the East of England Tourist Board suggested that in 2002 £133.6 million was brought into the District through tourism.”


In the same section, under the heading CABs, Mobile Wardens and Council Tax, the first sentence was amended to read: “Concern was expressed that the Council’s grants to Citizens’ Advice Bureaux were being reduced and Village Mobile Wardens were being inadequately funded.”