Agenda item

S/3223/15/FL - Orchard Park (K1, Topper Street)


42 low-energy cohousing dwellings plus ancillary facilities including a common house, workshop, car and cycle parking, refuse storage, relocation of an electricity substation, associated access and landscaping


The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application subject to:


1.     The prior completion of a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing


a.     A financial contribution towards education;

b.     A financial contribution towards waste recycling and waste receptacles;

c.     Affordable housing; and

d.     An obligation to reduce car parking provision based on the establishment of a car club, but subject to extra demand for car parking from time to time


2.     The Conditions set out in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director, subject to the following amendment and additions:


Condition amended:


(k)        Prior to commencement of any residential development, a detailed noise mitigation / insulation scheme for the residential units, to protect future occupants internally from Kings Hedges Road and the Cambridge Guided Busway traffic noise, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The detailed noise attenuation / insulation scheme shall have regard to the internal noise levels recommended in British Standard 8233:2014 “Sound Insulation and noise reduction for buildings-Code of Practice” and, in seeking to achieve the recommended levels, to the noise insulation of the composite building fabric, glazing areas, including the provision of sound attenuated alternative mechanical ventilation systems (or similar) to facilitate rapid / purging ventilation and thermal comfort / summer cooling requirements if the “reasonable” indoor ambient noise levels in BS 8233 cannot be achieved with a partially open external window (assuming a -13dB(A) external to internal reduction for a partially open window).  The traffic noise attenuation / insulation scheme as approved shall be fully implemented prior to occupation and shall be retained thereafter and not altered without prior approval.

(Reason: To ensure that sufficient noise attenuation / mitigation is provided to all residential properties to protect future occupiers internally from the impact of traffic noise and safeguard the health, amenity and quality of life of future residents in accordance with paragraphs 109, 123 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy NE/15 Noise Pollution of the adopted Local Development Framework 2007.)


Conditions added


(l)         No development shall commence until a programme of measures to minimise the spread of airborne dust (including the consideration of wheel washing and dust suppression provisions) from the site during the construction period or relevant phase of development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Works shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details / scheme unless the local planning authority approves the variation of any detail in advance and in writing.

(Reason - To protect the occupiers of adjoining buildings (dwellings) from the effect of dust in accordance with Policy NE/16 of the adopted Local Development Framework 2007.)


(m)       No development (including any pre-construction, demolition or enabling works) shall take place until a comprehensive construction programme identifying each phase of the development and confirming construction activities to be undertaken in each phase and a timetable for their execution submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in writing.  The development shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved programme unless any variation has first been agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

(Reason - To protect the amenities of residential properties in accordance with Policies NE/15,  NE/16 and DP/6 of the adopted Local Development Framework 2007.)


3.     The Informatives set out in the said report, subject to the following additions:


Bonfire informative


During construction there shall be no bonfires or burning of waste on site except with the prior permission of the Environmental Health Officer in accordance with best practice and existing waste management legislation.


General Informative


A ‘catch all’ informative could be attached advising the applicant to have consideration of South Cambridgeshire District Council Supplementary Planning Document - “District Design Guide: High Quality and Sustainable Development in South Cambridgeshire”.


Members visited the site on 5 April 2016.


Neil Murphy (applicant’s agent) and Ian Collins (Group Member) spoke jointly in support of the application.


Members were being asked only to determine affordable housing provision in relation to the additional four units, which had been added to the scheme by way of this application further to the existing outline consent


Councillor Sebastian Kindersley described the application as appropriate and exciting. The Committee also heard that, nationally, South Cambridgeshire District Council was one of only 11 Local Authorities currently promoting self-build and similar projects such as that contained in this application.


The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application subject to:


1.     The prior completion of a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing


a.     A financial contribution towards education;

b.     A financial contribution towards waste recycling and waste receptacles;

c.     Affordable housing; and

d.     An obligation to reduce car parking provision based on the establishment of a car club, but subject to extra demand for car parking from time to time


2.     The Conditions set out in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director, subject to the following amendment and additions:


Condition amended:


(k)        Prior to commencement of any residential development, a detailed noise mitigation / insulation scheme for the residential units, to protect future occupants internally from Kings Hedges Road and the Cambridge Guided Busway traffic noise, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The detailed noise attenuation / insulation scheme shall have regard to the internal noise levels recommended in British Standard 8233:2014 “Sound Insulation and noise reduction for buildings-Code of Practice” and, in seeking to achieve the recommended levels, to the noise insulation of the composite building fabric, glazing areas, including the provision of sound attenuated alternative mechanical ventilation systems (or similar) to facilitate rapid / purging ventilation and thermal comfort / summer cooling requirements if the “reasonable” indoor ambient noise levels in BS 8233 cannot be achieved with a partially open external window (assuming a -13dB(A) external to internal reduction for a partially open window).  The traffic noise attenuation / insulation scheme as approved shall be fully implemented prior to occupation and shall be retained thereafter and not altered without prior approval.

(Reason: To ensure that sufficient noise attenuation / mitigation is provided to all residential properties to protect future occupiers internally from the impact of traffic noise and safeguard the health, amenity and quality of life of future residents in accordance with paragraphs 109, 123 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy NE/15 Noise Pollution of the adopted Local Development Framework 2007.)


Conditions added


(l)         No development shall commence until a programme of measures to minimise the spread of airborne dust (including the consideration of wheel washing and dust suppression provisions) from the site during the construction period or relevant phase of development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Works shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details / scheme unless the local planning authority approves the variation of any detail in advance and in writing.

(Reason - To protect the occupiers of adjoining buildings (dwellings) from the effect of dust in accordance with Policy NE/16 of the adopted Local Development Framework 2007.)


(m)       No development (including any pre-construction, demolition or enabling works) shall take place until a comprehensive construction programme identifying each phase of the development and confirming construction activities to be undertaken in each phase and a timetable for their execution submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in writing.  The development shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved programme unless any variation has first been agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

(Reason - To protect the amenities of residential properties in accordance with Policies NE/15,  NE/16 and DP/6 of the adopted Local Development Framework 2007.)


3.     The Informatives set out in the said report, subject to the following additions:


Bonfire informative


During construction there shall be no bonfires or burning of waste on site except with the prior permission of the Environmental Health Officer in accordance with best practice and existing waste management legislation.


General Informative


A ‘catch all’ informative could be attached advising the applicant to have consideration of South Cambridgeshire District Council Supplementary Planning Document - “District Design Guide: High Quality and Sustainable Development in South Cambridgeshire”.

Supporting documents: