Agenda item

S/1818/15/OL - Cottenham (Land off Rampton Road)


Construction of up to 225 dwellings and associated infrastructure.


The Committee refused the application unanimously for the reason specified in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.


Councillor Frank Morris (Cottenham Parish Council) addressed the meeting. He raised concerns relating to traffic congestion, the lack of sustainability, and inadequacy of the Section 106 Agreement. The Chairman read out a statement from Councillor Simon Edwards (a local Member). Councillor Edwards made the following points

·       Impact outweighs the benefit

·       Traffic concerns

·       The cumulative effect of this application and application S/1952/15/OL


The Chairman, as a local Member, supported the Parish Council.


The Committee refused the application unanimously for the reason specified in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director, and for reasons of demonstrable and significant harm, the lack of sustainability, and conflict with Policies DP/3 and NE/4 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework 2007.

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