Agenda item

2016-17 First Quarterly Position Statement on Finance, Performance and Risk

The quarterly position report sets out updates in respect of the Council’s finance, performance and risk at 30 June 2016; it is available to view on the Council's website with the on-line version of this agenda. Please go to

Paper copies can be made available on request. The report enables Members to maintain a sound understanding of the organisation’s financial position and performance in an integrated and transparent manner; as such, it is an essential component of the Council’s corporate governance arrangements. The report will be received by Cabinet at its meeting on 15 September 2016.


Questions and comments relating to specific issues raised within it should be notified in advance of the meeting, in order to allow sufficient time for additional clarification to be prepared, and relevant Portfolio Holders invited to attend as appropriate. The Committee may decide that specific issues require further consideration, in which case it may make recommendations to the Cabinet meeting at which the Position Report will be presented, or commission detailed investigation as part of its evolving work programme.




The Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder presented the Council’s 2016-17 first quarterly Position Statement on finance, performance and risk for 2016-17.


The call answer time of calls to the Council’s Contact Centre was discussed:

·         The committee was informed that six new staff members had joined the Contact Centre and it was anticipated that the call answer time would reduce as a result of this.

·         Members were made aware that reducing the call answer time would not be solved solely through the employment of more staff, but also by having the digital systems in place to drive activity to other areas and to encourage residents to use online facilities where possible.

The risk register was discussed:

·         The Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder informed the committee that the number of households in temporary accommodation had risen as anticipated.

·         The significant risk to the Council of the increase in cost of managing homelessness, was highlighted. Additional funding had been put aside for the expected increase in homelessness. The Portfolio Holder informed the committee that extra funds had been budgeted as a precautionary item for the current financial year, however for the next financial year this would be a budgeted item. The Portfolio Holder was confident that the amount budgeted would be enough to cope with the increase in homelessness.

·         Members were informed that subject to Devolution being agreed, this would be added to the risk register.


The committee noted the report and commended officers and the Portfolio Holder for the quality of the report.



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