Agenda item

Questions from Members of the Public



RECEIVED and responded to public questions as part of items 9, 10, 12, 13 and 15.



The Chairperson informed the Executive Board that 25 public questions had been submitted, 22 of which would be taken at the meeting under agenda items 9, 10, 12, 13 and 15.   He reported that, in line with Standing Orders and the public questions protocol, he had exercised Chairperson’s discretion and would, on this occasion, only accept questions which related to items on the agenda and where the questioner was able to attend the meeting.  This meant 3 questions would not be received at the meeting, but those concerned would receive a written response.  One question had been submitted previously to the Joint Assembly and would not receive another response. Given the number of questions received, questioners had been asked to limit their contribution to one minute.  A number of local Member requests to speak had been received and these would also be taken at the start of the relevant agenda item.


The Chairperson noted that some of the questions submitted exceeded the 300 word limit.  He had not refused questions on that basis but gave notice he would in future be enforcing this, except in exceptional circumstances.


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