Agenda item

S/1812/17/OL - Toft (immediately adjacent to the boundary with Comberton Parish) (Bennell Farm, West Street)


Outline planning application for up to 90 dwellings and associated infrastructure works


Appendix 2 is available online by visiting > The Council > Councillors, Minutes and agendas, and browse.


The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application subject to


  1. The prior completion of a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the provision of 40% affordable housing, and financial contributions to
    1. Libraries and lifelong learning
    2. Real time passenger information
    3. Sports
    4. Indoor community space
    5. Household waste bins
    6. Monitoring fee
    7. Healthcare


detailed in Appendix 1 to the report from the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development; and


  1. Conditions and Informatives based on the draft Conditions and Informatives referred to in the said report.


The case officer summarised the allocation of funding provided by the applicant as part of the off-site commuted sum.


Malcolm Wright (objector), Nicky Parsons (applicant’s agent) and Stephen Munday (Executive Principal, Comberton Village College),  Councillor Martin Yeadon (Toft Parish Council) and Councillor Nick Taylor (Comberton Parish Council)addressed the meeting.


Malcolm Wright said that the proposed development was ill-conceived and in an inappropriate location. There were no special circumstances to justify such development.


Nicky Parsons said that the proposal was policy compliant, and offered community benefits above and beyond the scale of development. Stephen Munday said that Comberton Village College supported the proposal.


Councillor Yeadon said the Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 should address land value and the amount of amenity space.


Councillor Taylor was concerned about traffic, and was clear that land to the west of the access road should remain free of housing development.


Committee members had receieved a written statement from Councillor Dr. Tumi Hawkins (local Member) that made the following points:


·       There was a need to address the number and height of proposed dwellings

·       character of the site must be protected

·       The commitment to affordable housing was welcome

·       The area allocated for the now not needed football pitch should be returned to Green Belt, or designated permanently as public open space

·       The parish of Toft should receive a fairer share of Section 106 monies

·       Should the application be approved, the local Members for both Toft and Comberton should be consulted before finalising the Section 106 Agreement


Councillor Tim Scott spoke as local Member for the adjacent Parish of Comberton. He made the following points:


·       As much Section 106 money as possible should be made available to Toft and Comberton Parish Councils

·       Medical facilities needed to be resourced so as to be able to cope with the additional residents

·       Green Belt needed protection

·       House heights should be reduced so as to create a development more sensitive at this edge-of-village development

·       The question of public open space had to be resolved

·       Traffic congestion was a concern



Councillor Tim Scott left the meeting at this stage and was

not present during the ensuing debate about

Application S/1812/17/OL, or Agenda Items 8 and 9



The case officer confirmed that discussion with the applicant would take place to determine the allocation of Section 106 monies.


During the ensuing debate, Committee members made the following points:


·       the two Parish Councils should be included in discussions about the Section 106 Agreement

·       ‘white land’ to the west of the access road should be returned to Green Belt

·       The site was allocated in the Local Plan

·       Dwellings should be no higher than two storeys


This had been David Thompson’s last presentation to Planning Committee as Principal Planning Officer prior to him leaving to take up a position with another Authority. Committee members joined the Chairman in wishing him well for the future.


The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approvethe application subject to


  1. The prior completion of a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the provision of 40% affordable housing, and financial contributions to
    1. Libraries and lifelong learning
    2. Real time passenger information
    3. Sports
    4. Indoor community space
    5. Household waste bins
    6. Monitoring fee
    7. Healthcare


detailed in Appendix 1 to the report from the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development; and


  1. Conditions and Informatives based on the draft Conditions and Informatives referred to in the said report.

Supporting documents: