Agenda item

Cambridge South East Transport Study


The Executive Board:

a)    NOTED the outcome of the public consultation and final consultation report.

b)    AGREED the adoption of Strategy 1, the off-road strategy, as the preferred strategy for the A1307 corridor and requested that officers developed detailed proposals for delivery of the scheme including detailed route alignment, park and ride and review of environmental impact.

c)    REQUESTED that officers drew up landscaping and ecological design proposals which could add enhancements to the area, maximising the potential of the off-road option including considering the possibility of a linear park alongside the development of the off-line solution.

d)    NOTED the updated programme for the project.


The Chairperson of the South East Transport Study Local Liaison Forum (LLF), Tony Orgee,  was invited to speak. He made the following points:

·         The LLF had met on 12 September 2018 and had looked at the outcome of the public consultation, which was in line with the views of the LLF.

·         The LLF broadly supported the adoption of Strategy 1 as the way forward.

·         There was some support for not ruling out light rail.

·          If Strategy 1 could not be taken forward then the LLF would support Strategy 2 or 3 going forward.

·         Ecological enhancement should be an integral part of the process.

·         Work on minor interventions along the A1307 was also discussed at the meeting and useful discussions with the consultants had taken place. The importance of involving local people, local councillors and parish councils was emphasised.

·         The Executive Board was informed that representatives from local villages were regular attendees at the LLF meetings; the development of the proposals kept in mind the need for the scheme to benefit the villages around it.


The Executive Board Chairperson thanked Tony Orgee for chairing an effective LLF which had played a major role in developing the options.


The GCP Transport Director presented the report which set out the GCP’s vision and objectives for public transport, the Cambridge South East Transport Study business case development work and the results of the public consultation undertaken at the end of 2017. The Transport Director highlighted that:

·         The proposals were very closely aligned with the development of the CAM proposals and delivered significant additional capacity that was needed to accommodate the planned growth in the area.

·         A significant amount of work had gone into developing an off-road proposal which had received a lot of support at public consultation.


The Executive Board discussed the report and in expressing their support for the proposals, made the following comments:

·         Councillor van de Weyer welcomed the recommendation to draw up ecological enhancements. He highlighted that the benefits of the scheme  were clear but the impact would be significant, therefore enhancements were essential. He suggested that these should not be limited to a linear park.

·         It was felt that the scheme unlocked growth and shared prosperity around the region without spoiling the environment.

·         It was noted that the cost benefit of the scheme was good.

·         The Executive Board thanked the LLF for all its work on developing the proposals.

·         Councillor Herbert highlighted the importance of the scheme benefitting the villages. It was felt that the scheme would do so as it would take a lot of commuter traffic off the roads.

·         The Chairperson pointed out that light rail was in the hands of the Mayor and Combined Authority. Cost per kilometre was an issue with light rail.

·         The GCP wanted to work with the LLF to make further environmental and safety improvements along the A1307.


The Executive Board:

a)    NOTED the outcome of the public consultation and final consultation report.

b)    AGREED the adoption of Strategy 1, the off-road strategy, as the preferred strategy for the A1307 corridor and requested that officers developed detailed proposals for delivery of the scheme including detailed route alignment, park and ride and review of environmental impact.

c)    REQUESTED that officers drew up landscaping and ecological design proposals which could add enhancements to the area, maximising the potential of the off-road option including considering the possibility of a linear park alongside the development of the off-line solution.

d)    NOTED the updated programme for the project.

Supporting documents: