Agenda item

Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Update


This work now comes under the broader heading of VAWG (Violence Against Women and Girls).  Girls are disproportionally harmed but men/boys can also be victims of abuse. There has been a 19% increase over last year and there is a sense that victims are waiting longer before reporting to Police.

During the first lockdown there was a drop-in demand for services.  After lockdown there was a huge increase in demand, so we are expecting same as we come out of this lockdown.


The aims of the Domestic Abuse Strategy:

- To work to prevent people becoming offenders of DA and reducing victimisation by challenging the attitudes and behaviours which foster it.

- To reduce the risk to victims and interventions to prevent abuse from continuing, recurring or escalating

-To ensure that perpetrators are appropriately pursued and challenged.

-Through a joint commissioning approach, we will ensure all victims have access to appropriate and proportionate outcome-focused support.


County (Tier 1) have been given funding of £1.6 million. SCDC (Tier 2) was awarded approximately £35k.  The duty of the District Authority is to cooperate with Tier 1 and a Needs Assessment and Strategy is due by August (although this may alter as the documentation has not yet been issued).

The focus of the requirement at District Authority level is to improve services in terms of safe accommodation.  This money should be spent in the realm of Domestic Abuse – such as improving the Council’s response to DA. It is SCDC money and not CSO.

South Cambs are currently going through the DAHA accreditation led by Housing therefore funding maybe spent on funding a project that comes from this accreditation.

CD - How will a homeless/DA victim be recorded crossing border. How would that be reported?

VC – Via housing needs assessment report and cross border agency working.

AB – Can we be sure the money goes on front line work and not lots of meetings.

VC – We are committed to ensuring the money will be going to ensure as much front line delivery as possible.

FE – In Probation, , we have single points of contact and manage risk presented by Domestic Abuse perpetrators, and we work with partners. We have link workers who also work with victims to monitor and manage risks in relation to restraining orders.

The Perpetrator Panel is vital to enrich information about our risky perpetrators and very beneficial. It includes a plan for people leaving prison and is very positive.

FE- Agrees and their part in this process is important. They are trained for 3 years in recognising manipulation by perpetrators. Panels help partners to input into their assessment.


KH- Completed “Co-ordinated Community Response” training produced and delivered by a charity called Standing Together.  Does IRIS training program (identifying DA specifically in primary health sector) exist in Cambridgeshire to help GPs identify DA in patients?

VC- We have a Health IDVA in Addenbrookes maternity services and A&E with principles of IRIS in that role. We are planning to recruit two IDVAs to link in with primary care.

KH- Most issues arising from DHRs related to GP/health sector

VC- Strong relationship with colleagues in substance abuse and lots of work happening.  Links in with health services is top of my list of next things to look at. During the needs assessment we can dig into this topic.


Action – LG to share VC presentation with Board

Action – LG to send Child & Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse presentation to Board