Agenda item

21/02585/S73 - Longstanton/Northstowe (Northstowe Phase 2A, Land South Of Longstanton Road)

Design amendment to layout, appearance, scale, access and landscaping of the age-restricted accommodation as part of the approved reserved matters scheme approved under reference S/3499/19/RM. Application to vary condition A1 (Approved Drawings) of reserved matters approval S/3499/19/RM and matters relating to outline planning conditions as per the original submission - (Hybrid planning application comprising a) Reserved matters for 406 dwellings including affordable housing provision non-residential floorspace landscaping open space and associated infrastructure (the Reserved Matters include access appearance landscaping layout and scale following outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL) b) Discharge of conditions 9 (Design code) 10 (Fire strategy) 11(Housing (Market mix)) 12 (Housing - Lifetime Homes (Affordable and market dwellings)) 19 (Surface water Drainage) 20 (Foul Water drainage) 23(Landscape and design) 24 (Landscape Management and Maintenance plan) 27 (Ecological Management plan) 31 (Longstanton conservation area) 32 (Low Carbon Strategy) 33 (Energy delivery strategy) 34 (BREEAM Standards) 38 (Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)) 41(External Artificial Lighting) 42 (Operational Noise - Non Residential use classes) 43 (Operational Traffic Noise Mitigation Scheme on-site) 45 (Waste & Recycling Management Strategy) 48 (Transport - Equine Walking and Cycling Routes) 57(Transport - Cycle parking) and 64 (Self-build and custom build) pursuant to outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL and c) Full planning permission for the temporary change of use of two dwellings to show homes).


By eight votes to none, with one abstention, and subject to the conditions set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development, the Planning Committee approved:

(a)  The design amendment to layout, appearance, scale, access and landscaping of the age-restricted accommodation as part of the approved reserved matters scheme approved under reference S/3499/19/RM on land south of Longstanton Road, Northstowe Phase 2A.

(b)  The discharge of conditions relating to the above site.

(c)  Full planning permission for the temporary change of use of two dwellings to show homes on the above site.


The report was presented by the Principal Planning Officer (Kate Poyser) with no updates. Anthony Child, the agent of the applicant, addressed the meeting and clarified that this application had been brought to the Committee to improve the environment for the occupants through greater access to open spaces and improvements to ground floor apartments. The Committee was also addressed by Councillor Paul Littlemore on behalf and with the permission of Northstowe Town Council.


During the debate of the Item, Members felt that, whilst it was not entirely relevant to the application, that public transport concerns were an important point of discussion. The Committee asked if the development would have a bus service when completed, noting that project decreases in car ownership and the age restricted accommodation on the site could leave many residents in need of effective public transport links, and if the planned urban busway would be complete by the time that the development in question was completed. Cambridgeshire County Council’s Principal Transport Officer (Tam Parry) fielded questions on transport and informed the Committee that the urban busway would not be completed until the development in question, and other developments, were completed. The Principal Transport Officer stated that there were ongoing efforts to coordinate the completion of the busway and the affected developments but advised Members that accurate predictions of completion dates would likely be unavailable until 2024. The Committee was informed that there would be an interim bus service provided and were reminded that transport concerns were not relevant to the matter at hand.

Concerns were raised over the removal of a parcel of green space in the proposal and the consequent effect on drainage. The Committee was informed by the Principal Planning Officer that, whilst a small amount of green space had been lost, there was no actual change proposed to the greenway or the strategic drainage scheme. The Principal Planning Officer stated that the car park surface was permeable, the swale had only been relocated and not otherwise affected by the changes to the green space and that the central swale would be piped to ensure that water could freely flow into the main swale on the periphery of the site.

The Committee noted that there had been significant improvements to the development proposal, aligning with the agent’s comments, and that there were no grounds for refusal. However, Members did hold some reservations about the development, including concerns over the heights of some buildings and the difficulties of assessing the “beauty” aspect of the National Planning Policy Framework. Councillor Dr. Richard Williams stated that he did not like the application, citing concerns over public transport, building heights and design and density, but noted that there were no reasons for refusal.


By eight votes to none, with one abstention (Councillor Dr. Richard Williams), and subject to the conditions set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development, the Planning Committee approved:

(a)  The design amendment to layout, appearance, scale, access and landscaping of the age-restricted accommodation as part of the approved reserved matters scheme approved under reference S/3499/19/RM on land south of Longstanton Road, Northstowe Phase 2A.

(b)  The discharge of conditions relating to the above site.

(c)  Full planning permission for the temporary change of use of two dwellings to show homes on the above site.

Supporting documents: