Agenda item

Standing in the name of Councillor Heather Williams

This council notes the concerns raised by many residents across South

Cambridgeshire about the introduction of a ‘Sustainable travel zone’ that would charge people to enter the zone via motor vehicle. This council will formally respond to the Greater Cambridge Partnerships consultation relaying these concerns on behalf of the residents we serve. This council, as part of the consultation, will raise opposition to the introduction of said charge and cite the inclusion of Addenbrooke’s and Royal Papworth Hospital as absolutely unacceptable.



Council Rejected this Motion.


This council notes the concerns raised by many residents across South Cambridgeshire about the introduction of a ‘Sustainable travel zone’ that would charge people to enter the zone via motor vehicle. This council will formally respond to the Greater Cambridge Partnerships consultation relaying these concerns on behalf of the residents we serve. This council, as part of the consultation, will raise opposition to the introduction of said charge and cite the inclusion of Addenbrooke’s and Royal Papworth Hospital as absolutely unacceptable.


Councillor Heather Williams stated that other councils were making representations as part of the consultation process and this authority needed to be clear on what its vision was. On behalf of the District’s residents, she expressed her opposition to the proposed charge, in particular for those visiting the Addenbrookes site.


Councillor Graham Cone expressed his support for the motion. He had received a considerable number of responses from residents on this issue and the Council should represent these people. He declared an interest as he worked on the Addenbrookes site, but was not paid by the Hospital.


Councillor Brian Milnes explained that this authority was a voting member of the Greater Cambridge Partnership Executive Board, which had decided to consult on the proposed sustainable travel zone. He stated that it would be pre-emptive of the Council to express a view on this matter before this consultation had concluded.


Councillor Sue Ellington suggested that many residents were unaware of the consultation process and did not know how to respond. She stated that the guided buses were often full and residents with heavy shopping found it difficult to use the bus service. The proposed charge would adversely affect tradespeople from the District who frequently visited Cambridge. It was unclear how blue badge holders, who could nominate two vehicles, could always be exempt from the charge.


Councillor Dr Richard Williams spoke in favour of the motion. He disagreed with the suggestion that the public consultation prevented the Council for expressing its view on the proposed charge. He explained that residents in places such as Heathfield had no alternative but to use a car to travel into Cambridge, as there was no bus service. He expressed concern that the leadership of the Greater Cambridge Partnership relied on officers to express its views and concluded that the Council had an obligation to represent its residents.


Councillor Mark Howell expressed concern about the cost for visitors to Addenbrookes Hospital, in particular those on low income who had a family member on one of the wards.


Councillor Daniel Lentell stated that the proposed congestion charge was unjust as all residents would have to pay the same regardless of income. He suggested that people should not be charged for visiting Addenbrookes.


Councillor Heather Williams asserted that the proposed charge would impact more on those living in rural areas and those who had to visit loved ones in hospital.


Councillor Heather Williams proposed and Councillor Graham Cone seconded the motion. A vote was taken and cast as follows:


In favour (8):

Councillors Tom Bygott, Graham Cone, Sue Ellington, Mark Howell, Daniel Lentell, Bunty Waters, Dr Richard Williams and Heather Williams.


Against (25):

Councillors Henry Batchelor, John Batchelor, Paul Bearpark, Anna Bradnam, Dr Martin Cahn, Stephen Drew, Peter Fane, Corinne Garvie, Jose Hales, Bill Handley, Sally Ann Hart, Geoff Harvey, Dr James Hobro, Carla Hofman, Helene Leeming, Dr John Loveluck, Peter McDonald, Brian Milnes, Dr Lisa Redrup, Judith Rippeth, Peter Sandford, Bridget Smith, Dr Aidan Van de Weyer, Natalie Warren-Green and John Williams


Abstain (2):

Councillors Ariel Cahn and Libby Earle


Council Rejected this Motion.