Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meeting

To authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2022 as a correct record.


The Committee authorised the Chair to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2022 subject as follows


1.    To add Councillor John Williams (Lead Cabinet Member for Resources) as having been present in the Chamber.


2.    Minute 6 (2022-23 Quarter Two Performance Report)


Replace the paragraph


“KPIs PN510 to PN512 related to Development Management. Councillor Peter Fane said that a differentiation should be made between those planning applications determined within the period set by statutory targets and those determined within a timescale set by an Extension of Time Agreement. Councillor Fane asked that the percentage of appeals against major planning permission refusals allowed should specify the proportion allowed in respect of appeals against non-determination. The Committee noted that the number of Extension of Time Agreements and refusals made in order to meet determination targets was unrelated to the time taken to validate applications.”


with the following expanded text


“KPIs PN510 to PN512 related to Development Management.

Councillor Peter Fane said that a differentiation should be made

between those planning applications determined within the period set

by statutory targets and those determined within a timescale set by an

Extension of Time Agreement. Councillor Fane asked that the

percentage of appeals against major planning permission refusals allowed should specify the proportion allowed in respect of appeals against non-determination. The Committee noted that the number of Extension of Time Agreements and refusals made in order to meet determination targets was unrelated to the time taken to validate applications.


In response, the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development said that only a small number of appeals were against non-determination, and this would not affect the standards being measured. He offered to provide clarity in writing.


While he was unsure how many small applications had been determined within statutory timescale, he confirmed that average time was now recorded for applications. Members noted a chart showing the number of days taken to determine current applications compared with lower and upper quartile performance. A reduction in the backlog of applications had resulted in a progressive reduction in determination timescales for all applications. Further analysis would show those applications falling outside the timescale. The Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development undertook to give further details at the next Scrutiny and Overview Committee meeting.


Councillor Heather Williams said that for some time now there had been concerns about the extent to which the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service relied on extensions of time agreements. to which the response had been that a system would be put in place. The Chair undertook to pursue this matter with the Lead Cabinet Member for Planning and the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development.


The Committee noted that the number of Extension of Time Agreements and refusals made in order to meet determination targets was unrelated to the time taken to validate applications.


The Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development informed Members that KPI PN519 (Average time to determine validated householder planning applications) should be Amber not Green.”


The Chair invited the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development to make a short statement. That statement


·       clarified the number of applications determined within an extended time limit agreed with applicants

·       confirmed that the previously reported backlog in validating householder planning applications had been eliminated


The Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development undertook to provide a full written statement of the above to all members of the Scrutiny and Overview Committee. This would also include an analysis of appeals against the non-determination of planning applications.

Supporting documents: