Committee details

Civic Affairs Committee

Purpose of committee

This Committee has three main functions:


Review of the Council’s Constitution:


To bring forward proposals which, in the opinion of the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer, entail substantive changes to the Constitution, for consideration by the Council, excluding those matters which are specifically included within the remit of other bodies on the Council

Electoral Arrangements:


Determination as follows:

·       Review district or parish electoral arrangements including boundaries and report recommendations to Council

·       Give parish meetings powers of parish council

·       Increase/reduce number of parish councillors

·       Change parish electoral arrangements where agreed including parish warding

·       Appoint temporary parish councillors, S.91 LGA, 1972


Recommend to Council:

·       District and district ward boundary changes arising from review

·       Parish warding and boundary changes where not agreed

·       Periodic Electoral Review

·       New parish establishment

Ethical Standards:


As set out in Article 9.03


Substitute members

Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services. 01954 713000 Email:

Postal address:
South Cambridgeshire Hall
Cambourne Business Park
CB23 6EA

Phone: 01954 713000


Web site: