Committee details

Planning and New Communities Joint Portfolio Holders' Meeting

Purpose of committee

The Planning Portfolio Holder has responsibility for:

*   Building Control

*   Business and Employment

*   Design and Conservation

*   Development Control

*   Economic Development

*   Procurement and Efficiency

*   Transport initiatives (including Concessionary Fares)

*   Travel for Work   


The Opposition Spokesmen for Planning are Councillor Trisha Bear and Councillor John F Williams.  The Scrutiny and Overview Committee Monitor is Councillor Val Barrett.


The New Communities Portfolio Holder has responsibility for:

*   Arts

*   Development of New Communities

*   Planning Policy

*   Sports

*   Sustainability

*   tackling Climate Change

*   2012 Olympics


The Opposition Spokesmen for New Communities are Councillors Anthony Berent, Bridget Smith and Jim Stewart.  The Scrutiny and Overview Committee Monitor is Councillor Roger Hall.


Guidelines for officers


Contact information

Support officer: Ian Senior. 03450 450 500

Postal address:
South Cambs Hall
Cambourne Business Park
CB23 6EA

Phone: 03450 450 500

Fax: 01954 713149


Web site: