Issue - decisions

Cambridgeshire Green Infrastructure Strategy

21/09/2011 - Cambridgeshire Green Infrastructure Strategy

The Northstowe and New Communities Portfolio Holder

1.                 endorsed the final Cambridgeshire Green Infrastructure Strategy; and

2.                 instructed officers to submit to his Portfolio Holder meeting on an annual basis a report on progress with the Green Infrastructure Strategy.

26/01/2011 - Cambridgeshire Green Infrastructure Strategy

The New Communities Portfolio Holder agreed

(a)  To support the broad approach of the Strategy contained in Appendices A and B

(b)  that further changes be made to the Strategy so that it can be published for public consultation.

(c)  to endorse, as an urgent decision outside the usual Portfolio Holder schedule of meetings, an acceptable revised version of the Strategy for public consultation, in consultation with the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities) and other relevant officers and members.

04/03/2010 - Cambridgeshire Green Infrastructure Strategy

The Planning Portfolio Holder AGREED that the Council’s reply to the Green Infrastructure Strategy consultation should be:

(a)               The Council supports the role that an effective strategy will have in the protection, creation and management of green infrastructure.

(b)               The Council supports the development of a strategy which will provide a robust and defensible basis for green infrastructure planning and delivery, for both existing communities and the growth areas. 

(c)               The Council has significant concerns about the approach and content of the draft Green Infrastructure Strategy as set out in this report and previous officer comments to Cambridgeshire Horizons.

(d)               The Council will require major changes to the strategy addressing its concerns before it will be able to endorse it.

(e)               Council officers will work with Cambridgeshire Horizons and other partners to achieve the changes required.

14/07/2006 - A Green Infrastructure Strategy for the Cambridge Sub-Region

Supported the development of the Green Infrastructure Strategy and recommended that the Conservation, Sustainability and Community Planning Portfolio Holder urges Cabinet to support the adoption of the Strategy as Council Policy, and authorises  officers to continue to work with partners to secure the Strategy’s long-term delivery.

10/06/2005 - Green Infrastructure Strategy for the Cambridge Sub-Region

To authorise support for the development of the proposed “Green Infrastructure Strategy” and re-allocate £5,000 from the budget for a “Survey of Watercourses” (authorised on 17 January 2000, under the budget for Ecological Support Services) to contribute to the necessary financial package and develop the project, subject to confirmation of matching funding from the project partners.

08/06/2005 - Development of a "Green Infrastructure Strategy" for the Cambridge Sub-Region

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