Issue - decisions

Travellers' Housing Needs Survey

09/06/2006 - Travellers' Needs Assessment


(a)               to instruct officers to make the Travellers’ Needs Assessment survey findings available to the Regional Housing Board and, at the same time, to make the case as to why not all of the need currently found in the district should be met long-term within South Cambridgeshire; and

(b)               to use the results of the survey to support any future bids for capital or revenue funding for site provision; and


the findings of the Travellers’ Needs Assessment, as they relate to South Cambridgeshire.


Cabinet thanked Trevor Banks for his efforts in successfully managing this project.

05/01/2006 - Travellers' Housing Needs Survey - Findings


09/12/2005 - Travellers Housing Needs Survey

Cabinet NOTED the provisional findings of the Travellers’ Housing Needs Survey as they related to South Cambridgeshire, as set out in paragraph 21 of the report and the appendix; and AGREED

(a)               to instruct officers to make the survey findings available to the Regional Housing Board and, at the same time, make the case as to why not all of the need currently found in the district should be met long-term within the South Cambridgeshire district, as set out in paragraphs 25-26 of the report;

(b)               to instruct officers to adopt the same approach as in (a) above in respect to the Examination in Public of the East of England Plan;

(c)               to use the results of the survey to support any future bids for capital or revenue funding for site provision;

(d)               to refer this report and the Travellers’ Housing Needs Survey to the Development and Conservation Control Committee for its information; and

(e)               that the survey output inform the work of the Local Development Framework (LDF) including work on finding suitable locations for sites.