Issue - decisions

Neighbourhood Policing / Neighbourhood Panels

20/11/2009 - Neighbourhood Panels (15.45)

The Local Strategic Partnership Board


AGREED        that the following recommendations be implemented at the three Neighbourhood Panels that have been consulted to date:


A)                 To include a definition of community safety on neighbourhood panel agendas and include these topics specifically in panel terms of reference to be published on the District Council’s website, with copies available at all meetings.


B)                 To reflect partnership working in panel branding and ensure Local Strategic Partnership and Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership banner pop-ups are displayed at each meeting.


C)                To include a regular agenda item of Local Consultations at Neighbourhood Panels, which will enable partners to highlight and/or present consultations as appropriate.


D)                To suggest that relevant partners consider alternative methods of involving residents in discussions and/or decisions about community and youth facilities.


E)                 To ensure wider advertising of panel meetings in parish magazines and on the District Council’s website, plus posters with a year of dates in local venues (updated in January each year).


F)                 To review the Linton Neighbourhood Panel boundary in order to try to address the “inconvenient” nature of the geography (i.e. Horningsea), which is reflected in the consultation findings as well as attendance at panel meetings.

12/03/2009 - Neighbourhood Panels

Cabinet AGREED to:

(a)               consult each panel as to whether or not it would like to broaden the remit of panel meetings;

(b)               request that ward members:

(i)                  note district council issues relating to their ward and actions arising out of panel meetings, and bring them back to the council to ensure that they are considered; and / or

(ii)                seek progress information prior to panel meetings where an issue or action relating to their ward has been raised previously.


Cabinet NOTED Cambridgeshire County Council’s General Operating Procedures for Neighbourhood Panels.

16/01/2009 - Neighbourhood Panels

Cabinet DEFERRED this item. 

12/10/2006 - Neighbourhood Policing Panels

Cabinet AGREED to:

(a)               endorse the draft Terms of Reference for the Neighbourhood Policing Panels;

(b)               approve the programme for setting up the remaining three panels, in around November 2006, March and June 2007, with a proposal for Cambourne to be the next panel;

(c)               seek lead council officers to work with the police leads once each panel has been established; and

(d)               review neighbourhood policing and neighbourhood panels in Autumn 2007.

09/12/2005 - Neighbourhood Policing

Cabinet AGREED


(a)               To work in partnership with Cambridgeshire Constabulary to establish a pilot Community Panel from around January 2006 in the Histon area; and

(b)               That, following an evaluation of the pilot above after the first two Panel meetings, terms of reference be drawn up for Community Panels and they be established across the District during 2006.