Issue - decisions

Corporate Plan 2009/10 - 2011/12

24/04/2009 - Corporate Plan 2009/10 (Cabinet, 16 April 2009)

Council RESOLVED that the amended Corporate Plan circulated at the meeting be adopted, and that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to approve further drafting amendments prior to final publication, in consultation with the Policy, Improvement and Communications Portfolio Holder.

17/04/2009 - Corporate Plan 2009/10

Cabinet commented on the draft Corporate Plan, taking into account the questions at paragraph 6 of the report before


(a) RESOLVING that the draft Corporate Plan 2009-10 be approved, and


 (b) RECOMMENDING TO COUNCIL that a final version of the Corporate Plan 2009-2010 be adopted, incorporating changes put forward at the meeting and further changes to be agreed by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Policy, Improvement and Communications Portfolio Holder and notified to Council.


12/03/2009 - Corporate Plan 2009/10-2011/12

The Policy, Improvement and Communications Portfolio Holder,


ENDORSED   the content of the Corporate Plan to date and noted that the final Plan would be considered by the Policy, Improvement and Communications Portfolio Holder, the Executive Management Team and Senior Management Team, prior to submission to Cabinet and Council in April.