Issue - decisions

Sustainable Communities Act 2007

30/01/2009 - Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Cabinet, 15 January 2009)

Council RESOLVED to “opt in” to the Sustainable Communities Act 2007 by:


A)     Publicising the process locally, including a deadline for proposals to be submitted the Council for consideration by the Panel (see below);


B)     Asking the membership of the South Cambridgeshire Local Strategic Partnership Board to form a Panel to consider proposals and try to reach agreement as to the merits of a proposal and priorities between different proposals;


C)    Consulting with those parties affected if the proposal involves the transfer of a responsibility from one public body to another;


D)    Having regard to a list of matters set out in a Schedule to the Act;


E)     Finally making a formal decision on whether to forward the proposal/s onwards to the Selector; and


F)     Assessing the effectiveness of these arrangements at the end of the 2009/10 civic year.


16/01/2009 - Sustainable Communities Act 2007



RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that the authority “opts in” to the Sustainable Communities Act 2007 by:


A)     Publicising the process locally, including a deadline for proposals to be submitted the Council for consideration by the Panel;


B)    Asking the membership of the South Cambridgeshire Local Strategic Partnership Board to set up a Panel to consider proposals and try to reach agreement with the Panel as to the merits of a proposal and priorities between different proposals;


C)    Consulting with those parties affected if the proposal involves the transfer of a responsibility from one public body to another;


D)    Having regard to a list of matters set out in a Schedule to the Act;


E)     Finally making a formal decision on whether to forward the proposal/s onwards to the Selector; and


F)     Assessing the effectiveness of these arrangements at the end of the 2009/10 civic year.

25/09/2008 - Standing in the Names of Councillors SA Harangozo and AN Berent

Council RESOLVED that the Motion standing in the name of Councillors Dr SA Harangozo and AN Berent, set out at Agenda item 11(d) be referred to Cabinet to allow full consideration of the implications of the Sustainable Communities Act before being resubmitted to Council for further consideration in due course.