Issue - decisions

HAUXTON: Planning Applications

04/04/2018 - S/2184/16/OL - Hauxton (Former Waste Water Treatment Site, Cambridge Road)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application subject to


1.     A Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (or any other appropriate legal agreement) in accordance with the Heads of Terms attached to the report from the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development, supplemented by further obligations regarding the land and water decontamination and collateral warranties for that work, and subject also to the final wording being agreed by officers in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee; and


2.     Safeguarding conditions and informatives including those in the said report.

15/01/2018 - S/2942/17/FL - Hauxton (Recreation Ground, Church Road)

The Committee unanimously gave officers delegated powers to approve the application, subject to the Conditions, as amended, set out in the report from the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development. Specifically, the Committee authorised officers to amend draft Condition (l) to state that the building hereby permitted shall not be used between 22.30 hours and 7.00 hours, subject to there being permitted up to 12 events a year when the building shall not be used between 23.00 hours and 7.00 hours.

04/12/2009 - S/1465/09/F - Hauxton (Land to the West of 33 High Street)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve or refuse the application, depending on the receipt of acceptable amended plans, the submission of a Flood Risk Assessment revising the method of surface water drainage, and the resolution of any other issues raised as a result of consultation about the amended plans.

12/10/2009 - S/2308/06/O - Hauxton (Land to the East of the A10 Known as the Former Bayer CropScience Ltd Site)

The Committee approved the application as set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and Sustainable Communities), subject to the Conditions therein and extra Conditions requiring implementation of flood mitigation measures on Riddy Brook and full consultation with local people and Hauxton Parish Council on design issues at the Reserved Matters stage.

07/08/2009 - S/2014/08/O - Hauxton (At land to the East of the A10 Known as the Former Bayer CropScience Ltd Site)

The Committee refused the application contrary to the recommendation in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and Sustainable Communities).  Reasons: increase in the proposed density over that anticipated in Policy SP/7 of the Submission Draft Site Specific Policies Development Plan Document (January 2006) to form part of the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework, and the absence of any increased affordable housing provision above a scheme for 70 Extra Care Housing Units. 

07/08/2009 - S/2307/06/F - Hauxton (Land to the East of the A10 Known as the Former Bayer CropScience Ltd Site)

The Committee approved the application, subject to the prior completion of a suitable Section 106 Legal Agreement including an obligation to secure agreement from Atkins or other specialist consultant to act as an impartial and independent expert tasked with producing a report confirming the achievement of proper remediation of the site and providing a collateral warranty for the benefit of South Cambridgeshire District Council, and subject to the Conditions referred to in the report, amended as necessary as a result of further consultation and negotiation.

04/10/2007 - S/2308/06/F – Hauxton (Land to the East of the A10 known as the former Bayer Cropscience Ltd site)

Delegated Minded to Approve or Refuse  

04/10/2007 - S/2307/06/F – Hauxton (Land to the East of the A10 known as the former Bayer Cropscience Ltd site)

Approved with extra Conditions.

02/03/2006 - S/2357/05/F - Hauxton

Approved as report. 

02/02/2006 - S/2357/05/F - Hauxton

Deferred for a site visit