Issue - decisions

WEST WRATTING: Planning Applications

06/03/2015 - S/2268/14/PO West Wratting (Camgrain)

The Committee agreed to modify


1.     paragraph 2.4 of the Deed of Variation of planning obligation dated 29 July 2011 to amend wording to remove the restriction of daily HGV movements within the unilateral undertaking dated 4 January 2007; and


2.     the unilateral undertaking dated 4 January 2007 to remove definition of ‘two-way HGV movement’ and reference to the need to supply an annual monitoring report to Cambridgeshire County Council.


3.     New routing plan showing additional prohibited routes in West Wratting and Balsham.

07/07/2011 - S/0506/09 - West Wratting (Camgrain APC, London Road, Balsham) - Deferred to 18 July 2011

The Committee noted that this application had been withdrawn from the current agenda and would now be reported to a Special Planning Committee meeting on 18 July 2011.

04/12/2009 - Appeal relating to decision S/1018/06/F (West Wratting) and its implications, if any, on the appeal against the Council's non-determination of an application for seven wind turbines on land at Little Linton Farm, Linton.

The Committee gave officers delegated powers, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee, the Planning Portfolio Holder and local Members

  1. To explore with the applicant the possibility of reinforcing and bolstering Condition 7 by means of a unilateral Undertaking in line with Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing appropriate planning obligations that address the weaknesses of Condition 7as identified in the report
  1. In the event the applicant fails to secure the provision of a satisfactory unilateral Undertaking, to request that the Secretary of State exercise his statutory powers of correction contained in Section 58 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and / or themselves to commence a High Court challenge under Section 288 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as circumstances then indicate as expedient, and in accordance with the appropriate time limits.

06/07/2007 - S/0862/07/F - West Wratting (Land Adj 2 Hayter Close)

Approved as report. 

07/06/2007 - S/1018/06/F – West Wratting (Wadlow Farm)

Refused as report. 

12/02/2007 - S/2235/06/O - West Wratting (Land at The Common)

Delegated refusal for the reasons set out in the report (Reason 2 being amended so as to delete Policy EN3 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2004 and substitute it with Policies HG8 and HG10, and for an additional Reason relating to ecology.

07/07/2006 - S/2494/04/F - West Wratting

APPROVAL, as amended by the Stage 1 Safety Audit dated 12th December 2005, for the reasons set out in the report and subject to the Conditions referred to therein (Condition 18 being amended to reflect the 10 year period referred to in paragraph 46 of the report), to an additional  Condition stating that there should be no external lighting other than in accordance with an agreed scheme, and to the prior completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement requiring a routing agreement to prevent Large Goods Vehicles travelling through the villages of Great and Little Wilbraham and Fulbourn unless collecting grain from farms within or in the locality of these villages, the provision of traffic signals on the bridge, a commuted sum for the maintenance of the traffic lights, and the restriction of development generated traffic to 75 Large Goods Vehicles each day (or 150 two-way LGV movements each day) with provision for annual monitoring reports to be submitted. 


Councillor Mrs V Ford was not present for this item, and did not vote.


Councillors Dr DR Bard, RE Barrett, JD Batchelor, Mrs C Hunt, Mrs DSK Spink and RJ Turner declared personal interests by virtue of being acquainted with some of the farmers who would benefit from this application gaining approval.


Councillor Mrs P Bear declared a personal interest as the District Councillor for the Linton ward where Camgrain has a well established site well known to her, and because she had received letters and e-mails both in support and against the West Wratting Camgrain application.


Councillor SGM Kindersley declared a personal interest by virtue of having visited the site with a constituent and was acquainted with a number of Camgrain members by virtue of their membership of Parish Councils within his County Council Division.


Councillor Mrs CAED Murfitt declared a personal interest by virtue of her family farm.


Councillor NIC Wright declared a personal interest as a farmer but who was not a member of  Camgrain.  He stated that he had met some farmers outside South Cambridgeshire Hall, inviting them to attend the Development and Conservation Control Committee meeting and listen to the discussion of the application.

12/12/2005 - S/1056/05/O - West Wratting


08/12/2005 - S/1898/05/F - West Wratting

Refused as report. 

11/10/2004 - S/1585/04/F - West Wratting

Refusal contrary to report, and enforcement

02/09/2004 - S/1425/04/F - West Wratting

 Refusal as report