Issue - decisions

BALSHAM: Planning Applications

03/09/2019 - S/3063/18/FL - Balsham (16 Princes Close)

Members visited the site on 13 August 2019. They also viewed in passing an example of cladding existing in Herward Close, Impington.


The case officer explained that 16 Princes Close was a non-designated heritage asset.


Elaine Butterworth (Warm Homes Surveyor, South Cambridgeshire District Council) addressed the meeting.


By ten votes to nil, with Councillor Deborah Roberts abstaining, the Committee voted to approve the application subject to


1.    The Conditions set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development; and


2.    Any rewording of those Conditions being agreed between officers and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee prior to the issue of a Decision Notice.

03/09/2019 - S/3072/18/FL - Balsham (15 Princes Close)

Members visited the site on 13 August 2019. They also viewed in passing an example of cladding existing in Herward Close, Impington.


The case officer explained that 15 Princes Close was a non-designated heritage asset.


Elaine Butterworth (Warm Homes Surveyor, South Cambridgeshire District Council) addressed the meeting.


By ten votes to nil, with Councillor Deborah Roberts abstaining, the Committee voted to approve the application subject to


1.    The Conditions set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development; and


2.    Any rewording of those Conditions being agreed between officers and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee prior to the issue of a Decision Notice.

29/11/2017 - S/0460/17/FL - Balsham (Plumbs Dairy,107 High Street)

Members visited the site on 31 October 2017.


The case officer reported that Councillor Richard Turner (a local Member) had objected in the context of appropriate advertising of the site.


Garth Hanlon (applicant’s agent) and Councillor Andrew Fraser (the other local Member) addressed the meeting. Mr. Hanlon said that the application was policy compliant, and appropriate in its location. There had been no objections from statutory consultees. Councillor Fraser highlighted the impact on local employment, and the increased pressure on the doctors surgery and car parking provision. He said that the development would have a negative impact on the character of the Balsham conservation area.


During the ensuing debate, Members acknowledged the desirability of striking a balance between housing and employment use, but noted the constraied nature of the site by the presence of trees covered by Tree Preservation Orders and the need to provide views through to the countryside. This made it difficult to envisage a future commercial use for the part of the site that was previously occupied by Plumbs Dairy.


The Committee approved the application subject to


1.     1.         The prior completion of a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town             and Country Planning Act 1990 securing


·        £14,713.85 towards Balsham Sports Pavilion contribution

·        £16,309.68 towards outdoor gym equipment

·        £6,167.08 towards Balsham Church Institute

·        £73.50 per house and £150 per flat for household waste bins

·        40% affordable housing

·        £500 for a Section 106 monitoring fee

·        The onsite provision of a Local Area for Play


            As detailed in a supplementary agenda dated 27 October 2017; and


2.     2.      The Conditions and Informatives set out in the report from the Joint Director for          Planning and Economic Development.

29/11/2017 - S/1818/17/OL - Balsham (Land to the west of 10 Cambridge Road)

It was reported that Balsham Parish Council supported the application and that, although a local resident had raised an objection on highways grounds, the Local Highways Authority had no objection to the proposal.


The Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in the report from the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development.

03/02/2017 - S/1959/16/FL - Balsham (7 High Street)

The Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in the report from the Head of Development Management.

12/07/2016 - S/2830/15/OL - Balsham ( Land at 22 Linton Road )

The Committee refused the application for the reasons set out in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

01/06/2016 - S/2830/15/OL - Balsham (Land at 22 Linton Road)

The Committee noted that this application had been withdrawn from the agenda.

08/11/2013 - S/1188/13/FL- Balsham (Scout Hut, Woodhall Lane)

The Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions and Informatives set ou in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

03/11/2011 - S/1699/11 - Balsham (22-46 Mays Avenue)

 The Committee approved the application subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement securing the contributions of £18,013.35 (index linked) towards the off-site provision of public open space and £720.80p towards other community infrastructure, both within the village of Balsham, and subject also to the Conditions set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities).

06/01/2005 - S/2177/04/F - Balsham

Refused, contrary to report, on grounds of overbearing impact on bungalow to the north of the site.