Issue - decisions

Local Plan: Member liaison during the Examination

11/09/2014 - Local Plan: Member liaison during the Examination

The Planning Portfolio Holder confirmed the methods of liaison with Members during the Local Plan Examination, as follows:


(a)          Regular Updates and Briefings –


(i)            Weekly email updates to all Members outlining the matters to be examined the following week, and providing a summary of the previous week’s hearings.  This will be issued each Friday, unless circumstances arise which necessitate a change, in which case Members will be kept informed.


(ii)           The Portfolio Holder will have monthly informal meetings with Group Leaders to provide a regular opportunity for feedback and discussion.


(iii)          The Portfolio Holder will be kept informed of progress throughout the Examination and ensure other liaison as appropriate, for instance, an All Member Briefing.


(b)          Formal Portfolio Holder meetings arranged each month for the duration of the Examination hearings.  These will be held as necessary or cancelled if not needed.