Issue - decisions

Milton Road - consultation results and selection of preferred measures

10/06/2016 - Milton Road bus priority, walking and cycling measures: report on initial consultation and selection of a preferred route

The Executive Board:


(a)        NOTED the findings in the initial consultation report.


(b)        AGREED to take forward the initial ideas in the ‘Do Something’ option for further design work including the Union Lane closure and Elizabeth Way roundabout ideas and ‘floating bus stops’, where highway space permitted, but excluding the ideas for banned turns at the Gilbert Road, Arbury Road and King’s Hedges Road junctions.


(c)        AGREED to consider major changes to the highway layout at the Mitcham’s Corner junction for implementation as part of the ongoing tranche 2 prioritisation work.


(d)        NOTED the further technical work that would be undertaken over the summer period.


(e)        SUPPORTED the development of traffic management measures to mitigate displaced traffic and parking for the purposes of further consultation.


(f)         DELEGATED authority to the Executive Director of Economy, Transport and Environment at Cambridgeshire County Council, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board, to approve a further consultation for a preferred option scheme design, as detailed in section 43 of the report.


(g)        NOTED the procurement plan for project delivery, the revised project programme and the consultation plan set out in the report.


(h)        INSTRUCTED officers to ensure that the preferred option design for consultation includes details of proposed landscape areas and tree planting as set out in the report.


(i)         NOTED the important role of the Local Liaison Forum in involving local Councillors and stakeholder groups in the development of the detailed layout plans for consultation.


02/06/2016 - Milton Road bus priority, walking and cycling measures: report on initial consultation and selection of a preferred route

The Joint Assembly RECOMMENDED that the Executive Board:


(a)        Notes the findings in the initial consultation report.


(b)        Agrees to take forward the initial ideas in the ‘Do Something’ option for further design work including the Union Lane closure and Elizabeth Way roundabout ideas and ‘floating bus stops’, where highway space permitted, but excluding the ideas for banned turns at the Gilbert Road, Arbury Road and King’s Hedges Road junctions.


(c)        Agrees to consider major changes to the highway layout at the Mitcham’s Corner junction for implementation as part of the ongoing tranche 2 prioritisation work.


(d)        Notes the further technical work that would be undertaken over the summer period;


(e)        Supports the development of traffic management measures to mitigate displaced traffic and parking for the purposes of further consultation.


(f)        Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Economy, Transport and Environment at Cambridgeshire County Council, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board, to approve a further consultation for a preferred option scheme design, as detailed in section 43 of the report.


(g)        Notes the procurement plan for project delivery, the revised project programme and the consultation plan set out in the report.