Issue - decisions

Safeguards on delegated powers

14/07/2016 - Greater Cambridge City Deal delegated powers safeguards

The Executive Board:


(a)        NOTED that it agreed at its June meeting to adopt the consultation and engagement principles of the County Council.


(b)        CONFIRMED the establishment of Local Liaison Forums for each significant City Deal scheme, to develop the detailed proposals for consultation prior to statutory consultation on the Traffic Regulation Orders.


(c)        CONFIRMED that all local elected Members from the three partner authorities, whose Divisions or Wards are within the geography of the scheme(s) in question, will be invited to be members of the Local Liaison Forums, as set out in the published terms of reference for Local Liaison Forums.


(d)        CONFIRMED that local elected Members and members of the public will be able to ask questions in respect of Traffic Regulation Orders at meetings of the Joint Assembly and Executive Board.


(e)        AGREED to invite the Chairman of each Local Liaison Forum to speak at the Joint Assembly and Executive Board when consideration is being given to that particular scheme.


08/07/2016 - Greater Cambridge City Deal delegated powers safeguards

The Joint Assembly:


(a)       NOTED that the Executive Board agreed to adopt the consultation and engagement principles of Cambridgeshire County Council at its meeting on  9 June 2016.


(b)       RECOMMENDED that the Executive Board confirms the establishment of Local Liaison Forums for each significant City Deal scheme to develop the detailed proposals for consultation prior to statutory consultation on the Traffic Regulation Orders.


(c)        RECOMMENDED that the Executive Board confirms that all local elected Members from the three partner authorities, whose electoral Divisions or Wards are within the geography of the scheme(s) in question, will be invited to be members of the Local Liaison Forum, as set out in the published terms of reference for Local Liaison Forums.


(d)       RECOMMENDED that the Executive Board confirms that local elected Members and members of the public will be able to ask questions in respect of Traffic Regulation Orders at the Joint Assembly and Executive Board.


(e)       RECOMMENDED that the Executive Board agrees to invite the Chairman of each Local Liaison Forum to speak at the Joint Assembly and Executive Board when consideration is being given to that particular scheme.