Issue - decisions

Waterbeach Supplementary Planning Documents Adoption

06/02/2019 - Waterbeach Supplementary Planning Documents Adoption



1.    noted the main issues raised in recent correspondence with the three statutory bodies (Environment Agency, Historic England and Natural England) and in their responses to the SPD consultation in respect of sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations and the considerations as set out in the supplementary report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development (see Appendices A and B);


2.    agreed responses to the representations received, and agreed the consequential changes to the draft SPD approved by Cabinet for consultation on 5 September 2018, as set out in the Consultation Statement;


3.    adopted the Waterbeach New Town SPD, agreed by Cabinet on 5 September 2018 and as amended (see Appendices B and C); and


4.    delegated to the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development, in consultation with the Deputy Leader, the authority to make any editing changes prior to publication. Including to the figures and spatial framework diagram, to ensure consistency with the agreed text of the SPD.