Issue - decisions

Service Transformation: Savings proposals

04/12/2019 - Service Transformation Programme: Savings Proposals

Cabinet considered the proposed objectives and intentions in relation to the review of Council services as part of a coordinated Council-wide transformation programme,  and


(a)       Noted the considerable challenges facing the Council given the financial outlook, including Government announcements in respect of local government funding, and the expectation that future cost pressures will exceed the resources available;


(b)       Noted the revenue budget guiding principles, outlined at paragraph 21 of the Chief Executive’s report, providing the context for the planning of the 2020 / 2021 revenue budget and the formulation of proposals to achieve service efficiency savings;


(c)       Noted the growth bids, detailed at Appendix A to the Chief Executive’s report, for inclusion in the Budget Setting Report in February 2020;


(d)       Noted the proposed range of service efficiency savings / policy options detailed in Appendix B of the report and that these would undergo further refinement and consultation with employees and other stakeholders prior to forming part of the Budget Setting Report in February 2020; and


(e)       Noted that some of the savings proposals would require a detailed equality analysis.