Issue - decisions

S/0375/19/FL - Sawston (Falkner Road)

03/09/2019 - S/0375/19/FL - Sawston (Falkner Road)

Members visited the site on 13 August 2019.


Denise Farnham (objector) and Councillor David Bard (Sawston Parish Council) addressed the meeting.


The case officer verbally corrected an error on the first page of the report: the application was Outline only not Full as stated.


The Senior Planning Lawyer reminded the Committee that issues surrounding the access constituted a civil matter, which was not a material consideration in determining this planning application.


Councillor Heather Williams asked why the application was for self-build rather than Council housing. The case officer reminded Members about their duty towards those on the self-build register, and said that each application had to be dealt with on its merits.


Councillor Peter Topping had some sympathy with local residents, particularly in connection with the adverse impact on neighbour amenity.


The Committee unanimously approved the application subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development.