Issue - decisions

Membership of Committees and Outside Bodies

02/12/2019 - Membership of Committees and Outside Bodies

Council NOTED and ENDORSED the following changes in Committee membership and substitute appointments:


(a)   Scrutiny and Overview Committee

                     (i)          Councillor Ruth Betson replaced by Councillor Dr. Shrobona Bhattacharya as a member of the committee; and

                    (ii)          Councillor Dr. Shrobona Bhattacharya replaced by Councillor Ruth Betson as a substitute member of the committee.


(b)   Cambridge Fringes Joint Development Control Committee

                     (i)          Councillor Steve Hunt replaced by Councillor Dr. Claire Daunton as a member of the joint committee; and

                    (ii)          Councillor Dr. Claire Daunton replaced by Councillor Steve Hunt as a substitute member of the joint committee.